Speech Or Silence: Final Cancellation From LinkedIn Is Now Inevitable
Truth Is A Thoughtcrime To Big Tech
Earlier this week I was suspended yet again from LinkedIn. As is their usual Kafkaesque practice, I had to appeal the suspension to find out why I was suspended.
As I am a glutton for punishment, I naturally appealed.
After two days, LinkedIn graciously responded, stating I had posted “extremely violent” and “harmful” content. More precisely, I shared a post about the Australian quarantine camps, with my own thoughts added. The exact text of the post is in the following screenshot.
Then again, the quarantine camps ARE extremely violent AND harmful, so maybe just pointing out that they exist was the problem.
Either way, it boils down to a wokester's equivalent of "truth hurts".
My next suspension will be my last--LinkedIn has made that clear. The countdown to final cancellation has begun.
Some are no doubt wondering why I continue to post where I am so clearly not wanted. There are two reasons.
The first is followers. I have just shy of three thousand on LinkedIn, and if this newsletter is to succeed I need all the followers on all the platforms I can get. I am not willing to just walk away from those people. Not only is that bad for my own ambitions, it's disrespectful to those who like and follow my content.
The second is the ethics of Free Speech. Free Speech, like other freedoms, is not free. It carries its own responsibilities, not the least of which is to always speak truthfully. Moreover, when there is a truth to be spoken we are obligated to speak it.
It does not matter if we are believed or applauded for speaking the truth. What matters is that we speak the truth, that we put the facts, the data, and the evidence in front of others, for them to use or reject as they see fit.
If we are silent, we allow others to wander in error. If we are silent, we condemn others to the consequences of error. That is what is “harmful”. That is what is “abusive”.
Sharing the facts and speaking the truth has put me in LinkedIn's censorious crosshairs. So long as I speak my truth to their power, on that platform I am most assuredly a marked man.
So be it. Until they do cancel me for good, I am going to continue to share the facts, share the data, share the evidence, and to speak the truth to their power.
That is simply the right thing to do.
This is highly disturbing, immoral, unethical, unfair, and frankly pure evil. When does it stop? 😞