NOW It's A Crisis?
The Data On Rebound Infection After Taking Paxlovid Has Always Been There
I really shouldn't be surprised.
That the US government bureaucrats notionally charged with protecting the nation's public health failed to do the required reading on Paxlovid and rebound infection is simply par for the course, as is their 11th hour panic at realizing they are (again) behind the curve.
“It is a priority,” said Clifford Lane, deputy director for clinical research at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, calling the issue “a pretty urgent thing for us to get a handle on.” The agency is discussing a variety of possible epidemiological and clinical studies to examine post-Paxlovid rebound with scientists at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, he said.
In truth, I'm not surprised, but there is a certain satisfaction in reading about the newfound sense of urgency about the matter at NIAID and the CDC barely a day after pointing out that to be unaware of the problem meant not having done one's basic homework on the matter.
Can I say “I told you so”?
Perhaps the well-meaning researchers at NIAID should begin their “urgent” research by reading Igor's Newsletter, as he's already up to speed on the subject!
We need Justice
I am sooo glad that you found that article. I wonder what will happen to this specific scam Pfizer product, that purposely excluded vaccinated people from trials, but is now peddled to vaccinated people, with disastrous results. Thank you for writing about it!!!