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Robert F. Kennedy, Jr Supports Donald Trump

Slams Corruption In Democratic Party

In a speech where he excoriated the Democratic Party for its corruption and debasement of the democratic process, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., gave his full and unequivocal support to Donald Trump’s campaign to be President of the United States.

Slamming the Democrats for making “democracy...little more than a slogan for our political institutions”, Kennedy outlined how Donald Trump approached him after the attempt on Trump’s live in Butler, Pennsylvania, and how Trump eventually proposed the idea of a “unity party.” Kennedy and Trump apparently have embraced Lincoln’s idea of a “team of rivals”—the two men have their political differences, but they are joining to work together on those things where they do agree, to further the interest of the American people.

This video has been excerpted from the PBS livestream on YouTube of the speech, and is uploaded here on the Fair Use Doctrine regarding copyrighted material (on the off chance Google/YouTube should decide to “lose” the video later).

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