The following headline appeared on RIA Novosti (translation from the Russian by Google Translate Web):
The article contained the following paragraph.
The restoration of the unity of the triune people will inevitably happen - Russia has already taken up this task, and it is impossible to refuse it. Including because this would be a severe blow to the Russian Federation as such, the people would not understand and would not support such apostasy. The people do not doubt Vladimir Putin's determination to go to the end, but the authorities themselves are in no hurry to call on everyone to realize the seriousness of the situation.
Bear in mind that RIA Novosti is a state run media agency. It does not have the same independence as western media outlets (and in reality that means the alternative media outlets), and one cannot dismiss the editorial content as entirely divorced from the policy intentions of the Kremlin.
Why, then, is the Kremlin putting out hints to the Russian people of a coming total war with the West?
Does Russia really want total war with the West, despite the threat of nuclear Armageddon?
If Putin wants peace, this is not the way to achieve it.
The original Russian text has been archived at