Jul 22Liked by Peter Nayland Kust

Palace coup sweeps aside fake presidency. But which dem general will march to the microphone and claim power? Democracy indeed…

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Gonna be lit to see how much lawfare the RNC throws at the DNC when they try to replace Biden on the ballot in various states.

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Jul 22Liked by Peter Nayland Kust

They don't have to "replace" anyone on the ballot. Biden wasn't, yet, the nominee and wouldn't have been until after the Democratic convention coming up next month.

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Not much if any. Biden had not been formally nominated by the Democrats yet. The Democrats are under no legal restrictions save the proper application of the rules they make for the party.

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I’m not talking about the party rules, I’m referring to state ballots for the general.

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Only a few states have ballot deadlines even close to the Democratic convention, and until the Democrats formally nominate their candidate for 2024 there is not a state law that applies.

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It couldn't have happened to a nicer bunch of psychopaths.

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Hey Peter, it’s been pointed out today that Biden might start issuing Executive Orders by the truckload now. As a lame-duck President who doesn’t have to run for office or account to any party bosses, he could issue EOs that would normally be political dynamite. Maybe this could be a tactic to hamper Trump’s future reign, or maybe they’d be EOs that would be revenge to Democratic Party bosses who turned against him. Assuming that these EOs are within the Constitutional scope of the Presidency, my question to you, Peter, is what’s to stop Biden from doing this?

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22Author

Presidential Executive Orders can only hold up in areas where Presidents have established authority.

If Biden goes off the rails with EOs the Democrats are not going to be in a position to defend him. Not after this soap opera.

If he does go off the rails, the EOs would immediately be subject to court challenge (which would almost certainly invite a stay while the courts adjudicated them). Most would just go down in flames.

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Peter, what's your angle on election rigging and cheating? Is this more under control than in 2020, or will it be a big factor again in swing states?

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Right now I think that changing candidates scrambles that calculus completely. If Harris secures the nomination the vote composition in the battleground states changes. If Harris doesn't secure the nomination the vote composition could shift in completely different directions.

It's even possible that the Democrats are conceding four years to Trump realizing that he can't run for reelection anyway, so they may be looking to 2028 already (Newsom threw in behind Harris so I suspect this could be the case).

I am still of the opinion that the party machine didn't want Harris and that Biden wasn't supposed to endorse her. Election fraud scenarios are all on hold until we see what happens with Harris. If the Democrats can deny her the first ballot at the convention everything is up for grabs.

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As an outsider, and assuming that assassination and lawfare don't work, the Dems will give voting rights to millions of illegals and use the same "techniques" as 2020 in the Swing States. I don't see anyone in the GOP concerned by this, let alone fighting it.

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If things go belly-up soon, as is likely on the economic and geopolitical front, it might not be a good idea to let Trump take the blame. I'm amazed God even bothers anymore with the human race.

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Things going belly up globally have been a question of "when" rather than "if" for some time now.

There is no question in my mind that the world is in a global race to the bottom. No telling who's winning that race or even what "winning" means.

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Jul 23Liked by Peter Nayland Kust

That's why I think the only answers are spiritual. Yes, we do what we can to help those around us, and we try and avoid adding our contribution to the general evil that seems to be growing around us, but now is the time to get right with God.

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This almost seems like a coup against Briben by the oligarchy in power and as a result, disenfranchised millions of Americans who voted for him in the primary.

We all know(the whole world knows!)he hasn’t actually been running the country for at least the last year which begs the question, who is running our country?

Looking forward to seeing how this clown show plays out. My popcorn is at the ready.

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Yeah, it’s suddenly become extremely interesting, hasn’t it? And the questions!

1) Biden didn’t immediately endorse Harris, then did so 30 minutes later. Did she threaten to invoke the 25th Amendment if he didn’t back her? Did she - or someone else - blackmail him? Or was he throwing a tantrum for 30 minutes before he could be reasoned with?

2) I’ve read reports today that Biden’s staff was caught by surprise by his announcement. Why didn’t they know first? Was this decision completely from outside the White House, maybe from some string-pullers in the DNC? Who actually wrote Biden’s announcement?

Tune in tomorrow, kids....

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Jul 22Liked by Peter Nayland Kust

To be far to Biden, he probably doesn't realise that a) he is president, and b) that he has handed in his resignation.

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My speculation? He gave Pelosi and the Democratic Party bosses the letter they wanted. Hell, they probably typed it out for him. And very pointedly left out any endorsement for Harris.

And then someone (Jill? Hunter?) pointed out that he could tweet out an endorsement of Harris now that the letter had been released. Pelosi would have no more leverage at that point, because Biden already gave her what she wanted. So he endorses Harris with a tweet as a final "F*** You" to the party bosses.

I have no facts to support that. It's strictly a gut-level guess on my part.

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The more I think about this, the more I think your instincts could be right!

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Newt Gingrich made that argument last week.

It's not entirely without substance. At the same time, if Biden has dementia, how is it proper that he remain in office at all?

That's one of the awkward questions the Democrats are going to get from Trump and the Republicans (and are already getting): If Biden is too feeble to run for re-election he's too feeble to be in office. He needs to resign, and the Democrats are contorting themselves to avoid that.

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I totally agree.

Briben has been completely incapable of being the commander-in-chief for the last year. He definitely needs to resign.

This would create even more chaos amongst the DNC but if Harris took over she would easily show herself as the incompetent buffoon she really is.

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