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No, you're not wrong.

The obscenity of the FDA and CDC pushing these inoculations truly defies the capacity of language to adequately convey.

Given that these inoculations are still highly experimental, if only because the clinical trials conducted by Big Pharma were rigged from the beginning, the Nuremberg Code's proscriptions against such human experimentation under false pretenses has not merely been violated, but damn near obliterated.


Moreover, not only is the Nuremberg Code being transgressed. The WMA's Declaration of Helsinki, which updates and expands on the Nuremburg Code, is also being flagrantly disregarded by these guardians of the public health.


Even if one does not agree with the contention that the inoculations are experimental, and thus the Nuremburg Code and Declaration of Helsinki notionally do not apply, the Declaration of Geneva--a "physicians pledge" outlining the ethical obligations of the medical profession globally--is sorely abused by the multiple proven lies and frauds surrounding Big Pharma's development, testing, and promotion of the inoculations.


The constant gaslighting and coercive pressures applied to people to get them to accept the shots are also an abhorrent desecration of the Declaration of Lisbon, which asserts the rights of patients around the world to quality health care but above all HONEST health care.


Given that Pfizer's own data--which it has worked to keep from being made public--attests to the toxicity of these shots, not only are the ethical dimensions of the matter shocking, but a growing case can be made for at a minimum reckless disregard for human life by both Big Pharma and Big Government, and potentially even intentional mass homicide. Pfizer knew the shots were toxic and has promoted them anyway. The FDA knew and went along with it--and is still going along with it.




No, you are not wrong. Tragically and frighteningly, you are all too right.

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Thanks for your insights. You’re one smart cookie. I can use the above when arguing my point to the comatose.

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Thank you for your kind words--and best of luck with the comatose! (Remember, only apply the Clue By Four as a last resort!)

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This whole article and thread are a terrific discussion!


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It was a fascinating bit of research. Having put forward the "personhood" argument previously, this seemed a rather obvious companion analysis to perform, and it was quite the reveal on how the courts treat issues that the media and the public capture under the rubric of "bodily autonomy."

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Lol. Will do

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