Peter, you are unusually well informed, perceptive and your view or analysis of past events is a welcome breath of fresh and free air.
Thank you, Sir!
Believe it or not, it's only "work" in the sense that I self identify as an "independent journalist" (I don't think that requires its own pronouns--although I'm never in step with political correctness so I might be mistaken there).
Peter, you are unusually well informed, perceptive and your view or analysis of past events is a welcome breath of fresh and free air.
Thank you, Sir!
I'm a history geek. I read about this stuff for fun.
(And then I write about it on Substack!)
You should "double down."
Just kidding, you work load and production are inspiring as well as sharp as a new razor.
Believe it or not, it's only "work" in the sense that I self identify as an "independent journalist" (I don't think that requires its own pronouns--although I'm never in step with political correctness so I might be mistaken there).'s fun! :D
"The Truth Is Out There."
You just have to let go of your personal 'investments' and emotional connections to "see it."
" For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it." -- Matthew, 16:25