Thank you, Peter! Great hearing from you again!

Nothing pompous or pretentious about your insightful, fact-based and intelligent writings at all!!

Unlike the govt. bureaucracy.

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Thanks. I'm still searching for my “voice”, I guess you could say. Trying to find a way to coherently connect all the dots.

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Makes one wonder about anything the government says and does anymore. Linking as usual @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

Glad to see you are still following the economic situation and writing about it along with your proverb writings.

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You don’t sound the least bit pompous or pretentious, Peter. You sound brilliant (you’re right again!) and admirably caring.

Culturally, there’s an additional phenomenon going on with all of this fraudulent data reporting in the mainstream media, and I’ll bet it’s affecting Gen Z more than anyone. It’s the ongoing erosion of trust in American institutions. The government jobs data is bogus, the propaganda from ‘Authorities’ is obvious, the media’s commentaries are ridiculous. Look at this opinion piece from my morning newspaper - everyone who glances at the title must roll their eyes!


Now think how damaging this erosion of trust is to Gen Z. They’ve already been indoctrinated by their schools to hate America as a racist and evil nation. Add to that the daily, constant barrage of nonsense from the Authorities. Yes,many of Gen Z are going to need all of the help they can get to thrive in life. Bless you, Peter, for stepping up to the task.

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You are right on point about many of the young people/gen z. A lot of it is also bad parenting.

By the way, I gave up on the far left Strib at least 20 years ago. They’re just as bad as msm with propaganda and fake news.

MN in general has deteriorated a lot the last few years with Walz and the far left in charge. Especially Mpls. where the city council celebrated the recent murder of another LEO. Sick, sick people.

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Love it! This regime has been lying out of their teeth since the beginning.

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About most everything

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"... if the reporters at Bloomberg had ever bothered to read this Substack, they would ..."

They probably have an alert set up on their 'system' for when a new article does come out.

"Red Alert" Red Alert"

"That Kust guy has done it again, some idiot accidentally released the correct numbers and this 'enemy of the people' has got to tell them about it. Damn you all to hell."

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You know, I rather like being classified as "an enemy of the people"!

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