I can see Trudeau making this "announcement" because his numbers suck and in light of the recent Conservative election..... I can also see him keeping all of the restrictions in the next few weeks because last week he said that he might have to bring the mandates/restrictions back if we don't get our boosters....... he wants 80-85-90%.....soo......not really a believer......sorry......

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He certainly would not be the first politician who wanted to have his cake and eat it too.

But very little would be as destructive to the credibility of the mandates as switching them on and off willy nilly.

I don't say you're wrong. I do say that Canada's Prime-Minister-In-Hiding would have to be even more stupid than he looks to think that straddling a fence is a winning political strategy.

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I agree...but I don't put anything past him.....no one thought he would be stupid enough to invoke the Emergencies Act but he did....freezing bank accounts....he did.... calling non-vaxxed racists and misogynists that don't believe in science.....same guy..... each time we thought that would be the end of him or at least cripple him but nope, nothing.....with that said, I remain hopeful.... :)

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Turdeau and his band of lyin' liberals are terrified of Pierre P. and the broad support he has throughout the country and in all age groups. And I don't think you'll see nearly as many people subscribing to non-stop jabs; the 80-90% uptake suggestion shows how dumb he and his handlers are, they didn't even come close to those numbers with the third jab.

Although a lot of people will stay in the covid-cult forever, most of my extended family and friends who, unfortunately, took two and/or three shots have said they absolutely will not take any more. It's a small sample size but the most encouraging thing I've heard quite awhile.

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No matter who you vote for, a politician gets in. Whether Australia, Canada, NZ, the governments take orders from elsewhere; they have divided loyalties.

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Well, exactly....big pharma, lobbyists, big business, WEF......the list is long......and treasonous at this point.....

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There is also this coming, this COVID season.... Novavax Being Used to Quash Vaccine Objections, Forcing Many to Choose Between Jabs or Jobs

One should be free to choose what is injected into them. They shouldn't require religious or medical objections. Now, Novavax is eliminating the few artificial protections we have left.


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I think he's trying to appease the Covidian liberals with his needle mania. He'll betray them as soon as it's expedient, as he has done before. Meanwhile, they make good shock troops.

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He's also a WEFer and admires China more than the Liberals..... he is a traitor.....should be tried for treason....

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I'm glad to hear the idiots in charge here in Canada have decided it's time to start backing away from this insanity. I'm sure this, as well as all their demonic decisions of the past couple of years, is purely politically motivated.

Now when will the United States do away with the "vax" requirement to enter the country (unless, of course, you're entering illegally through the southern border), inquiring minds want to know. 🤔

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