This of course could make the situation more dangerous. A wounded animal is more dangerous than a healthy one. I wish our Country and NATO would stand down and everyone take a breath before this become WWIII with no winners. I am old enough to remember the Cuban Missile Crisis. You cannot install troops and missiles in another Superpower…
This of course could make the situation more dangerous. A wounded animal is more dangerous than a healthy one. I wish our Country and NATO would stand down and everyone take a breath before this become WWIII with no winners. I am old enough to remember the Cuban Missile Crisis. You cannot install troops and missiles in another Superpower’s (Militarily at least) Backyard without repercussions, in this case deadly ones. As a feminist peace and civil rights activists who has marched and organized in every anti-war effort since Vietnam, I am begging the egotistical, macho males who lead the world to please, please not lead us all to perdition! This madness MUST END before it is too late! Have these men learned nothing?😖😩
No. They haven't. On either side.
The data demonstrates that conclusively.