As I mentioned earlier, Justin Trudeau has gone “all in" with his invocation of the Emergencies Act in response to the growing Canadian Revolution. Even before the Freedom Convoy truckers protesting in Ottawa respond, however, there is a very real issue that must be addressed: is his use of the Emergencies Act legal? Did Trudeau break the law to strike back at the “illegal” protests?
How is it that any other Canadian citizen who breaks the law is first taken into custody then has a trial. The PM Trudeau breaks the law and nothing is done but words the police are investigating; HE SHOULD BE IN JAIL.
Democracy has always been under attack. In that regard we have always been in a "post democracy" world.
But even more worrisome is the assault on the rule of law. Trudeau's power grab is a good example. Authoritarian corruption aside, Trudeau isn't even following his own laws. Just like the elites we see ignoring the mask mandates they force on others.
The rule of law has been replaced with the rule of lawyers. What should be structured and predictable is ad hoc and capricious.
I had heard of the GiveSendGo hack. Another example of the breakdown of the rule of law.
The people who have now taken command of our world have been preparing us for this takeover for decades, but most people have not noticed or cared.
Most citizens have noticed small things, they have resented the changes in our society that have led to ever-increasing bureaucracy and the seemingly inevitable introduction of ever more stupid rules and the acquisition of ever more power.
How is it that any other Canadian citizen who breaks the law is first taken into custody then has a trial. The PM Trudeau breaks the law and nothing is done but words the police are investigating; HE SHOULD BE IN JAIL.
Es gibt gar kein Land, das nicht totalitär geführt wird. "Demokratie" ist
ein Schwindel!!!
We live in a post democracy world now.
We live in an "emergency" universe where the law is whatever Power says it is.
Martial Law.
Canada is fascist as fuck.
Did you see that radio guy in Canada, Dean Blundell, published hacked names of GiveSendGo donor list?
I hope that they get to him. Read that however you like.
Democracy has always been under attack. In that regard we have always been in a "post democracy" world.
But even more worrisome is the assault on the rule of law. Trudeau's power grab is a good example. Authoritarian corruption aside, Trudeau isn't even following his own laws. Just like the elites we see ignoring the mask mandates they force on others.
The rule of law has been replaced with the rule of lawyers. What should be structured and predictable is ad hoc and capricious.
I had heard of the GiveSendGo hack. Another example of the breakdown of the rule of law.
The people who have now taken command of our world have been preparing us for this takeover for decades, but most people have not noticed or cared.
Most citizens have noticed small things, they have resented the changes in our society that have led to ever-increasing bureaucracy and the seemingly inevitable introduction of ever more stupid rules and the acquisition of ever more power.
Noch nie in der Geschichte der sogenannten "Demokratie" haben Regierungen so
rücksichtslos Grundgesetze und Amtseide gebrochen, Aktionen und
Entscheidungen ohne Parlamentarische Sanktion einfach durch gewunken,
Gerichte mit Parteischranzen unterwandert und in voller Absicht und ohne
Rücksicht gegen die Interessen der Bevölkerung agiert.
Es ist jetzt eine neue Welt, und die Menschen müssen schnell aufwachen.
Da weltweit den meisten Menschen das Denken abgenommen wird bis auf die drei Grundbedürfnisse, fressen; saufen; Sex, könne keine Bedürfnisse
für eine Veränderung der Situation aufkommen. Diese ist politisch gewollt
und zusätzlich werden die Prolos durch die Medien mit Werbemüll
Liegt das am amerikanischen Imperium? Or nein?
was zum Teufel ist passiert
Die heranwachsende Generation wurde dumm geboren, lebt dumm und stirbt dumm!