As my Mom and her family would have said, "They're cutting their nose off, to spite their face." I only kind of got that as a teenager, I totally understand now.

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Those in charge aren't shooting themselves in the foot, they're rich enough not to see deprivation from their destruction of the economies.

They are savaging the living standards of everyone who's not rich though, and putting a wrench in the machinery of industry

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When did everything govt does nowadays have the word mandate in it..... does this not worry people.....nothing is really suggested or tried....MANdating.....the new way of doing business...MANdating is codeword from the communist playbook....

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I'm sure you recall Chevy Chase's bywords: I'm Chevy Chase, and you're not.

The bywords of politicians are: I can mandate, and you can't.

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Also, Chevy Chase is an actor and not an elected official by the people...so he can say and think anything he wants......politicians work for us, supposedly.....so that sentiment is not ok when it comes to politics...then it's called totalitarianism.....

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"It's a big club and you ain't in it" George Carlin....I know....but now it's happening at an all-time high and without any explanations or apologies when they are wrong in doing it....that is the difference....this MANdating is on a different level......

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The power of government in all things and at all times is always the police power. It is the power of coercion. It is force institutionalized.

That alone should recommend to people there be a whole lot less government in the world.

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**The incessant creation of restrictive laws and regulations surrounding the pettiest actions of existence with the most complicated formalities, inevitably has for its result the confining w/in narrower and narrower limits of the sphere in which citizens may move freely. Victims of the delusion that equality and liberty are the better assured by the multiplication of laws, nations daily consent to put up with trammels increasingly burdensome. They don't accept this legislation with impunity. Accustomed to put up with every yoke, they soon end by desiring servitude, & lose all spontaneousness and energy.

They are then no more than vain shadows, passive, unresisting and powerless automata.***

Gustave Le Bon, The Crowd

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