It will require much blood and treasure to destroy the idea of Hamas. Their racist gangster tactics won't just die quietly or without intense resistance. Lord, have mercy......
The "idea" of Hamas likely cannot be destroyed. Ideas, as was so pithily stated in "V for Vendetta", are bulletproof.
Hamas as an organization can be destroyed, and must be destroyed. The idea will remain, but without an organization to give the idea form and function, it will necessarily lie dormant for a time.
If Israel is wise, it will use that time wisely to render the idea of Hamas obsolete and irrelevant. It will use that time to find a path to real peace with the Palestinian Arabs. It will find a way to live side by side with the Palestinian Arabs in harmony.
If Israel is not wise, Hamas 2.0 will return a decade from now, more angry, more hateful, more genocidal than before.
It's not enough to cut out the cancer. Care must be taken to ensure the cancer does not grow back.
There is no denying that Hamas has sown a wind of war, and the Palestinian Arabs are now reaping the whirlwind of perpetual war. However, we should not be unwilling to admit that Israel has also sown a wind of war, and is now reaping the whirlwind of perpetual war.
Right now, the same hysterics that gripped Covid is doing the same here and knocking out any chance of cracking through narratives. That being Israel, as occupiers, is committing genocide. Palestinians are desperate and that's why they 'vote' for Hamas. End of story. Go against that and you get 'unsubscribe.'
I'm not going to delve and dive into this matter. All I will say is the bigger elephant in the room is Iran and Hizbollah. It's interesting that a non-Arab player in the region that Israel never threatened has the same 'throw them into the sea' sentiment. We're deluding ourselves if we think they're interested in a 'two-state;' solution. Iran is an aggressive actor that Arab countries are wary of.
I still want to know the answer to the question of what Hamas expected would be the response. There's no way they didn't know or at the very least suspect, Israel was going to go 'Medieval' on their ass. Then there's the whole 'Israel created Hamas' angle which only adds fuel to this mess.
The other thing is, in strictly military terms, think 'Carthage must burn'. If you attack an enemy equal to or greater than your power, expect the potential reality that your enemy will be merciless. We have countless examples of this throughout history. The Romans were ruthless conquerors. Piss on them, they came back at you twice as hard. Of course, this is made all the more complicated given Hamas isn't an army. They're guerillas. They're a designated terrorist organization - freedom fighters to others.
Hamas attacked, then they - and the world - begged for a 'ceasefire'. It doesn't work that way, folks no matter how 'righteous' you may feel.
I may very well lose subscribers over this. I've been debating whether or not to post this for a few days. But there is no good way to ignore the facts of what Hamas has done and is doing in Gaza. It is no exaggeration to say that Hamas' agenda is a double genocide against both the Israeli Jews and the Palestinian Arabs.
It will require much blood and treasure to destroy the idea of Hamas. Their racist gangster tactics won't just die quietly or without intense resistance. Lord, have mercy......
The "idea" of Hamas likely cannot be destroyed. Ideas, as was so pithily stated in "V for Vendetta", are bulletproof.
Hamas as an organization can be destroyed, and must be destroyed. The idea will remain, but without an organization to give the idea form and function, it will necessarily lie dormant for a time.
If Israel is wise, it will use that time wisely to render the idea of Hamas obsolete and irrelevant. It will use that time to find a path to real peace with the Palestinian Arabs. It will find a way to live side by side with the Palestinian Arabs in harmony.
If Israel is not wise, Hamas 2.0 will return a decade from now, more angry, more hateful, more genocidal than before.
It's not enough to cut out the cancer. Care must be taken to ensure the cancer does not grow back.
There is no denying that Hamas has sown a wind of war, and the Palestinian Arabs are now reaping the whirlwind of perpetual war. However, we should not be unwilling to admit that Israel has also sown a wind of war, and is now reaping the whirlwind of perpetual war.
I hope and pray that both the Israelis and the Palestinian Arabs find a pathway out of the whirlwind and into perpetual peace.
Hamas, as bad as they can be, represents the pinnacle of governmental abuse of its citizens, while sustaining 90+% approval, according to Hamas.
The quicker they're gone the better. The body count is the body count, and the cost of such government.
The silence is appalling and revealing. Thank you for facts.
You're gonna get a lot of hate for this.
Right now, the same hysterics that gripped Covid is doing the same here and knocking out any chance of cracking through narratives. That being Israel, as occupiers, is committing genocide. Palestinians are desperate and that's why they 'vote' for Hamas. End of story. Go against that and you get 'unsubscribe.'
I'm not going to delve and dive into this matter. All I will say is the bigger elephant in the room is Iran and Hizbollah. It's interesting that a non-Arab player in the region that Israel never threatened has the same 'throw them into the sea' sentiment. We're deluding ourselves if we think they're interested in a 'two-state;' solution. Iran is an aggressive actor that Arab countries are wary of.
I still want to know the answer to the question of what Hamas expected would be the response. There's no way they didn't know or at the very least suspect, Israel was going to go 'Medieval' on their ass. Then there's the whole 'Israel created Hamas' angle which only adds fuel to this mess.
The other thing is, in strictly military terms, think 'Carthage must burn'. If you attack an enemy equal to or greater than your power, expect the potential reality that your enemy will be merciless. We have countless examples of this throughout history. The Romans were ruthless conquerors. Piss on them, they came back at you twice as hard. Of course, this is made all the more complicated given Hamas isn't an army. They're guerillas. They're a designated terrorist organization - freedom fighters to others.
Hamas attacked, then they - and the world - begged for a 'ceasefire'. It doesn't work that way, folks no matter how 'righteous' you may feel.
I may very well lose subscribers over this. I've been debating whether or not to post this for a few days. But there is no good way to ignore the facts of what Hamas has done and is doing in Gaza. It is no exaggeration to say that Hamas' agenda is a double genocide against both the Israeli Jews and the Palestinian Arabs.
At some point that needs to be said.
You won't lose this subscriber.
I'm not Jewish, but fully understand Israel's attitude that: Hamas delenda est.
Thanks. That means a lot.
There's no question they play a part in this story. And not a good one. Hamas has Nazi roots.
In addition, we may want to reject the moral relativist trope of equating antisemitism and Islamophobia.
Netanjahu hatte in den 1970er Jahren gesagt: „Wenn wir es richtig machen,
haben wir im nächsten Krieg die Chance, alle Araber zu vertreiben …
Wir können das Westjordanland übernehmen. Wir können die Westbank
räumen und Jerusalem säubern“.
Yoav Gallant, der Chef des israelischen Militärs, sagte im Oktober:
„Wir verhängen eine vollständige Belagerung des Gazastreifens.
Kein Strom, keine Lebensmittel, kein Wasser, kein Gas. Es ist alles
geschlossen. Wir kämpfen gegen Tiere und handeln entsprechend.“
Hamas sind keine normale Tiere. Die sind Tiere mit Tollwut.