We need a deep dive into data the mRNA manufacturers haven't yet released.
With all we have seen, it makes you wonder about what we haven't.
I still suspect it is some kind of auto immune reaction from the actual viral exposure, perhaps potentiated by spike protein shedding from the vaccinated.
Vaccine shedding is a possibility. It is difficult to see it as a probability. At a minimum one would expect to see cases of hepatitis arising earlier than this, and the distribution of cases across time would be more even.
However, even probabilistic models of vaccine shedding are not dispositive. Vaccine shedding is not the most probable hypothesis, but it can hardly be ruled out, either.
We need a deep dive into data the mRNA manufacturers haven't yet released.
With all we have seen, it makes you wonder about what we haven't.
I still suspect it is some kind of auto immune reaction from the actual viral exposure, perhaps potentiated by spike protein shedding from the vaccinated.
We have seen enough documentation that Pfizer at the very least is holding back some information.
Auto immune hepatitis is in keeping with the "superantigen" thesis advanced in the Lancet, which makes it a tantalizing hypothesis.
Justice Department Announces Largest Health Care Fraud Settlement in Its History
Pfizer to Pay $2.3 Billion for Fraudulent Marketing https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-announces-largest-health-care-fraud-settlement-its-history
Let's share this far and wide......might open some eyes and hearts.......
Vaccine shedding is a possibility. It is difficult to see it as a probability. At a minimum one would expect to see cases of hepatitis arising earlier than this, and the distribution of cases across time would be more even.
However, even probabilistic models of vaccine shedding are not dispositive. Vaccine shedding is not the most probable hypothesis, but it can hardly be ruled out, either.