I purchased a TIPS Bond ladder in our tIRAs, so if our path dips into deflation this will not turn out well, and while I don't like inflation I've tried to protect or hedge against it. A teetering ladder for the next 30 years...

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Good first effort. Will probably get easier as you go along. Didn't see or perhaps overlooked possibly, are you planning on the podcasts eventually replacing articles or just highlighting them? Hopefully, you will continue regular articles as well. Will be linking it as I do most of your articles and proverbs @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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The podcasts aren't going to replace the articles. The articles are where the meat and potatoes of the analysis gets done. I see the podcasts as a way to better explain what the individual graphics mean, and hopefully give these charts more relevance to people.

My thinking is using the podcast format to address the principal economic releases we get from the BLS and the BEA, to not only provide the analysis but also to illuminate some of the analytical technique. All of the data I use is publicly available--that's a requirement for any data set that I use to present my analyses--and ideally this encourages people to query those data sets on their own and see what conclusions they come up with.

The goal is always to reach the broadest audience I can, and to provide the most meaningful content I can.

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