I agree, it has now become inevitable.

The Jackal said "You can't protect your women."

Eventually, the women protect everyone, including themselves, as the Jackal found out.

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I suspect the inflection point was when Iran's courts handed down a slew of death sentences for some of the protesters.

Capital punishment is pretty much the worst any regime can do--once you kill someone they are forever beyond your power. What the courts failed to take into account is that by the time those death sentences were handed down, the Revolutionary Guards and the Basij militias had already killed some 300 or so protesters, which deprived the death sentences of their expected deterrent effect (people were already dying, so court sanction really didn't amount to much).

The protesters do not appear to be at all intimidated by the courts, the security forces, or any of the government propaganda.

Whatever fear might have existed previously has apparently been replaced with anger--which is generally the prerequisite for regime change.

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