Feb 25, 2022Liked by Peter Nayland Kust

Putin has to stage an occupation force at this point regardless of whether there is actually an 'occupation'. It's part of the (ahem) theater of war; keeps the pressure on and the enemy guessing.

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By the same token, even if he weren't assembling an occupation force it still must be assumed that he will occupy Ukraine at least for a time.

Case in point: Afghanistan.

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Feb 25, 2022Liked by Peter Nayland Kust

Whatever Putin is doing, it would be a huge mistake to underestimate him or write him off as "crazy."

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Feb 25, 2022·edited Feb 25, 2022Liked by Peter Nayland Kust

Putin is not crazy, nor is he evil. Stranger than fiction: Russia may be the last bastion of Christianity on the planet. Here's PCR on the topic: https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2021/12/30/russia-is-the-last-remaining-christian-country/

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Putin is not in the same realm as Hitler, Stalin, Mao, or Xi Jinping.

Neither is he in the same realm as John Paul II or the Dalai Lana.

He's a man. As the autocratic authoritarian ruler of Russia he is largely corrupt, and presides over what is fundamentally a kleptocracy.

Still, like the Mafia dons of Mario Puzo fame, he hews to the structures and "family values" of Christianity even as he blatantly disregards the Christian ethos in the political sphere. (Let's be clear: there is nothing remotely "Christian" about his invasion of Ukraine).

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I'm referencing Christianity in terms of values, Peter. The Russians have resoundingly rejected the LGBT&c and abortion agendas.

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I agree. Putin SAID that they do not plan to occupy Ukraine. But the list of goals outlined in his speech sure look like they will require an occupation. Denazify, arrest accused war criminals, demilitarize... That is going to take time. What will happen to civilians? The moral standing of occupiers is always shaky and has a domestic component as well. As fed up as the Russian public is with Ukraine and the persecution of Russian speakers in the last 8 years their culture is deeply religious and the moral standing of an occupation force is always tenous.

On a related note to your previous posts: I read this morning that only 20%-30% of the Russian forces massed around Ukraine's borders are actually deployed. Obviously hard to confirm that but interesting.

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