It’s always about China.

Trump is the only anti China , anti globalist candidate. They have a hit on Trump at all costs to make him lose. It scares people how far they will go.

The only good thing from this is the exposure of American Marxists willing to do anything for money or destroy the country. Scary times.

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Jack Smith sounds like a neer do well attorney who is getting the equivalent of a climax for persecuting Mr Trump. Smith and his team, and the entire regime apparatus...let them all be fed into a mulching machine and be spread to fertilize Death Valley and other Western US Deserts. Of course this is merely my perception. Mr Kust, you do well with your fact research and publishing. I hope my impressions do not diminish your essays

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Since you've been writing about Dollar and China issues, I wonder, what do you make of this?


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India is not down with a BRICS currency.


The EU cobbled together the euro to compete with the dollar in the 1990s. They outcompeted every currency but the dollar.

With China heading into deflation (check tomorrow's article for my latest thoughts on that), they are in no position to switch to a sound money system. Monetary stimulus is not possible under a sound money system, and China's debt load makes fiscal stimulus an uphill battle.

The dollar will eventually be replaced, but it will happen because market forces demand it. Markets, not governments, determine reserve currency status.

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Peter - taking lead from our Master in how best to respond you again cite source material and use past behavior to show hypocrisy and false motives.

Would you consider a similar assessment of how best to respond:

Censors block or label the following comment as hate speech

Non binary denies reality

(or something similar)


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First of all, I should be clear that I categorically reject the concept of "hate speech". I consider Free Speech to be a moral imperative, and that construction leaves no room for the concept of hate speech. For me it simply does not exist.

Regarding the issue of "non-binary" and transgender ideas, the prevailing messages on both sides are discriminatory and prejudicial, and do no credit to the messengers.

The fatal flaw on both sides is the insistence on labeling and defining others. This is by definition a separation of people, a division, and therefore a segregation. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr , best explains the moral wrongness of this in his historic "Letter From A Birmingham Jail":

"Segregation, to use the terminology of the Jewish philosopher Martin Buber, substitutes an “I it” relationship for an “I thou” relationship and ends up relegating persons to the status of things. Hence segregation is not only politically, economically and sociologically unsound, it is morally wrong and sinful."


Such division is also contrary to the teaching of the Apostle Paul in Galatians 3:28:

" There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."

We are called to receive each other as human beings, with love and compassion, at all times. To demand that everyone conform their apprehension of reality in any direction is neither loving nor compassionate.

We should not be ashamed of our beliefs nor intimidated into silence. We should, however, do our beliefs more justice than to simply talk past one another and not listen in a spirit of true fellowship.

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Thanks for this refreshing take on what’s going on with the DNC’s unrelenting persecution of Trump while hiding considerable “irregularities” regarding voting integrity.

One doesn’t have to like or approve of the Don to understand the sinister nature of this ongoing unjust clampdown on him and (at minimum) half the electorate of this country.

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Exactly. Regardless of how one perceives his political positions, he speaks to and for a particular constituency. They--and therefore he--need to be heard. That's what our constitutional system of government is supposed to do.

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