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I’ve noticed an anomaly this summer and I’m wondering if other people are seeing it where they live. Sure, it’s anecdotal, but if many people are seeing it, it may add up to something.

I live in a lovely part of town, full of lakes and parks and one-of-a-kind 1920s homes that have been lovingly restored. For the past 24 years, I’ve walked almost daily through these neighborhoods and admired the extensive gardening and landscaping that people have continuously created. Then suddenly this summer, I’ve walked past whole blocks where people have let their lawns go to seed, their flower gardens die, their landscaping fall into ruin. I’ve wondered, how much of this is because people are struggling with inflationary expenses? How much is because they are vaccine-injured and not able to do the work to maintain their yards? How much is because they are dispirited and no longer care about creating beauty for their neighbors? Sure, we’ve had a hot summer with some drought, but not enough to account for the die-off I’m seeing. How about you other readers - are you seeing signs of difficulty like these? Do you think it is a sign that things are much worse than the government is telling us?

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All I have to do is listen to what other people and myself are saying; prices have skyrocketed on everything in the last 2 or more years resulting in compounding inflation that is much higher than the corporate media and govt. are telling US. Do these people ever set foot into a grocery store??

The fact that credit card debt into the Trillions is an indicator that people are really struggling.

Real estate market,residential and commercial, is another whole can of worms. I see increasing foreclosures in the next year but I don’t know enough about economics to predict that so I’ll leave that to Peter.

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Yes, and thank you to Mr. Kust for being one of the few sources anywhere giving us actual, verifiable facts! Seems like absolutely everyone in the MSM is just spouting propaganda and spin. My local Woke newspaper isn’t likely to admit that Biden’s economic programs are creating financial hardship, anymore than they are likely to admit that their ‘defund the police’ campaign has resulted in more crime!

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