I must correct your assertion that the media hasn’t raised a ruckus about RSV. Since RSV monoclonal antibodies for newborns and vaccinations for pregnant women (!) were introduced and duly consecrated by the FDA and CDC, the media have been in a positive frenzy about this disease most laypeople hadn’t heard of a year ago.

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RSV has gotten more widespread attention than it has previously.

However, RSV has not prompted calls for mask mandates, and where the fear porn has been most prevalent is in conjunction with COVID under the rubric of a "tripledemic".

What we have NOT seen with respect to RSV by itself is a narrative that hospitals are at risk of being overwhelmed by rising RSV cases. COVID still gets top billing in that narrative.

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You might add Same Old "BS" to your title after Old Science!! Linking as usual @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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If we're talking about the rationale for the masks mandates and all the rest, then yes, that is not "science" but "Science™"

If we're talking about the facts and evidence that shreds said rationale, that is actual "science".

The facts and evidence on masking is very much an old "science" at this point, and it completely shreds the "Science™" of the mask mandates.

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If the medical industry admits they were wrong about masking, their entire set of mandated protocols starts to unravel. Plus, they will lose even more of the trust of the public.

Still, Truth will prevail - eventually.

Remember ‘glasnost and perestroika’ in the old USSR? Once the Authorities started down the path of being actually truthful and transparent, the whole rotting, stinking corruption of the Soviet Union came out, and this let to the implosion of the Communist Party’s reign.

I’m looking forward to watching a similar implosion in our monopoly corporate medical industry. Thanks to writers such as yourself, documenting the facts and science, I have hopes of seeing that day!

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Chernobyl was the beginning of the end for the Soviet Union. That was a catastrophe too great to cover up, a disaster too apocalyptic to conceal.

Yet as the truth came out about what happened and why, the Russian people realized that the Soviet regime was not merely malicious, it was incompetent--and incompetence is a far more grievous sin for government than maliciousness.

When the SARS-CoV-2 virus first emerged out of China, there was speculation at the time that the virus and the CCP response to it would be China's "Chernobyl".

As the facts and data surrounding the COVID "pandemic" (which was a pandemic in narrative only) become known, governments throughout the Western world may discover to their horror that COVID is their "Chernobyl"--that singular catastrophic event where their incompetence is made manifest for everyone to see.

As a general rule, throughout history people have always been more inclined to tolerate malicious government than incompetent government. COVID revealed governments to be both malicious AND incompetent. That's a pair of evils most citizens are not likely to suffer for very long.

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