Jun 22, 2022Liked by Peter Nayland Kust

He has no comprehension of the harm his agency has done. Nor, does he care. Why should he? What difference does it make? None of these people ever get fired or are in anyway affected by their stupid decisions.

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There is more than a little truth in what you say.

Which is the great danger: history tells us that it is once the elites truly believe they are above the law that the revolution comes.

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Jun 23, 2022Liked by Peter Nayland Kust

I agreed. I have been concerned with the "othering" that I see. The labeling and dismissal of people who disagree with you at the highest level of government and popular culture is troubling.

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“The spear in the Other's heart

is the spear in your own:

you are he.

There is no other wisdom,

and no other hope for us

but that we grow wise.

-attributed to Surak”


One of the virtues of good literature is that it encapsulates broad human truths for people to ponder--and hopefully gain a nugget or two of wisdom! This quote is essentially the theme of "Spock's World" (yes, I am an unrepentant Trekkie!), and I have always been captivated by its unadorned truth.

When we label, when we divide, when we dismiss and denigrate, we're not just hurting other people (although we are), we are also doing grave damage to ourselves.

Morally, we are objectifying and dehumanizing other people--and if there is one principle upon which the world's great religions agree it is that we should never do this.

Practically and psychologically, we are deluding ourselves. We are building up layers of unreality which will over time deceive us and cause us to make catastrophic judgment errors. Labels are our attempt to impose our view of what should be on the reality that is--that never ends well.

When those with political and economic power make this mistake, the consequence of their error is magnified by the power they wield. And that should scare the bejesus out of everyone!

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May 26, 2022Liked by Peter Nayland Kust

There's 2 ways to look at this problem either is likely. 1. He knew and told them to wait on the follow-up inspection. Possibly at the behest of a higher government official. 2. He wasn't in the loop, because, "Why bother the boss with such non-sense," and the lower high muckity-mucks decided on their own, or at the behest of a high government official to let it ride until the heat rose.

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So fire the lot of them.

The ones who knew are malicious.

The ones who didn't are stupid.

The ones who made it a point not to know are stupidly malicious.

All are disqualified from serving upon public health.

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Don't disagree with any of that.

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May 25, 2022Liked by Peter Nayland Kust

...but let's trust them about vaccines....assinine.....failing upwards means that no matter how poorly someone performs with one project, the next one he or she will be given will be significantly greater....people wake and rise up!!!

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You bring the tar, I'll bring the feathers.

Mob justice is starting to look awfully tempting. And I am a law and order kind of guy!

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May 26, 2022Liked by Peter Nayland Kust

Funny, in 1996, I was in my first strike against the dept store I worked at...the strike lasted 9 long months from Sept -May...we were on the picket line 24/7 and most of it during cold winter months of Canada...at one point of the stike, the company was sending trucks to the store to pull out stock right in front of our reyes....we decided to fight back....we decided to tar and feather any truck crossing the picket lines...sooooo...a few days later, the poor truck pulled up and we tarred and feathered that truck real good....in fact, it was all caught on camera by the local media...a carload of strikers also drove along side him on the highway to send the message to stay away and they never came back to get any other merchandise for the rest of the strike.....thank you for reminding me of this.... I have done this before so I am all in.....I am a law and order kind of gal, too but "The law is not a moral compass. The people who hid Anne Frank were breaking the law. The people who killed her were following it. "

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"...and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed." -- Thomas Jefferson, The Declaration of Independence.

The evils are no longer sufferable.

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