Satchel Paige once said “the social ramble ain’t restful.” I guess he didn’t realize that the social ramble may be good for your heart!

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Man is a social animal. We are built for the "social ramble."

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Yep. Satchel Paige died of a heart attack.

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What’s ironic is that the psychiatric profession has been pushing, for decades, the mentality of everyone being ‘alone’. Their ‘scientific’ view is that there is no God (however you conceptualize Him), so each one of us is on our own, alone in the universe, without connection.

The actual scientific truth of quantum physics is that everything is energy and this energy is entangled. The ‘net zero field’ of physics may actually be what was conceptualized as the Holy Spirit, and we are all connected through it. If you can readjust your mindset to feel this connection, and to experience a ‘walking with God’, loneliness is minimized.

That being said, connection with actual souls in human form is very important. I’ve been trying to establish an actual friendship with you, Peter, for the past year - I’m here to the extent you want to interact with me. As I’ve said in the past - count on me!

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