In the General election, I will be casting my vote for the GOP nominee. I prefer not to cast votes in primary elections. However, since I'm listed as nonpartisan in New Hampshire, I wonder if I could cast a vote in the GOP? I'm really not thrilled to be enrolled in any partisan organization. I enjoy independence. That being said, I wish only the best for the United States and its inhabitants.

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May 26, 2023Liked by Peter Nayland Kust


Covid 19:

19 Standard Deviations From Reality.

Where ...

Dying Suddenly Is Just Another Name For:

Peer Reviewing The Data.


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May 26, 2023Liked by Peter Nayland Kust

If your impressive and unique economic acuity shines through in the political realm as well, I will be an enthusiastic reader. Your diligent efforts on your present stack are exceptional. I see them referenced elsewhere, though not (yet) to deserved wide exposure.

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How much acuity I can bring to a political discussion....well we're about to find out!

I am committed to keeping my discourses focused on what is factual.

(Although I am likely to not ever refer to the current occupant of the Oval Office as anything but Dementia Joe!)

Thanks for the encouragement and the kind words. They are truly appreciated.

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May 26, 2023Liked by Peter Nayland Kust

You’re welcome.

I also have learned something from each

of your posts, no exceptions.

And genuine author feedback - without belittlement - is also appreciated.

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May 26, 2023Liked by Peter Nayland Kust

I like the idea. I would read it. I do feel political overload is bearing down on me already and see some good substacks obsessing along with the civil discourse devolving into tribal chants in the comments a tiny bit. I sure hope that doesn’t get worse. When I begin to remunerate these excellent and life saving Substacks (and I will) yours is on my list. So carry on. Your analysis is important, Peter.

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Thanks for the encouragement!

It's a bit out of my comfort zone, so it will be a learning experience for me no matter what.

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May 26, 2023Liked by Peter Nayland Kust

It’s not comfortable for me either as I was a staunch liberal and Democrat until 2021. My entire “belief system” blew up into smithereens. The whole damn thing! I was left floating in shark filled waters with 2 species of political sharks. I was already distrustful of the medical system. I had figured out by the end of 2020 that mRNA was not for me. EVER. Of course that when the waves began. Lol.

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That part of my belief system completely blew apart in 2021 too, but I had changed my ballot to "no party affiliation" in 2009, and I had been referring to the two-party system as "two faces of the same evil" at least since then.

The largest single "shock" (think "earthquake") was the 2016 election, not the events of 2021. I was a still left-leaning at the time (this is California and it was the thing to do), belonging to a small liberal/progressive Christian church, a rather nice community to be a part of, but once the outcome of the election was decided, it seemed like nearly that entire congregation turned to hatred toward the winner. I tried to reason with some of them -- no way. I tried pointing out things from the Bible, but most hadn't read it and didn't much care (and I already had discovered that and my time there was running out).

This hatred was not right. It was completely wrong. Anger, well maybe for a time, but unrelenting open hatred, no. And it wasn't just this one church where this was happening.

Personally, I had rejected both candidates, and in the new year (2017) I began to dig much more deeply into what was going on in the world, finding that there was much going on to explore. I learned several major lessons, and had a major change of heart.

I am now on my 3rd church after that one (results of what transpired in 2020-21). All three have been formally apolitical, but theologically conservative. Also scientifically naive and easy to deceive by that path, unfortunately, but the present one has been better and I am staying put for now. The teaching is sound but has some major gaps, as is usually the case, but I am able to warn people about what is happening, individually or in small group, and I have a second church, online, that fills the gaps.

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So true. I left my church September 2021. I was a member of a fundamentalist church for decades and had been immersed in the Bible and prophecy. I left in 2006 for this mainline church. I truly believe being in that first church helped me realize what was going on in most regular churches pertaining to biblical teaching and prophecy and the mainliners were clearly bowing to the sin system. Plus satans overwhelming part in this deceit. It’s ALL Satan and I tossed and turned unsleeping for sometime understanding this looks like the end times. By the second masking AFTER most had 2 jabs in them I said no more! I just couldn’t take the capitulation anymore. The cluelessness and fear. I live in a rural small town and there is no church that has what I need or will welcome what I could offer (truth)? I have conditionally gone back because I have felt spiritual nudging. I have missed the people but I need more direction so I’m not just sitting there fuming or bored. Lol. . My ❤️ Is open. It’s mostly older folks like me. The hatred even from some members is palpable. I too tell some we dance with a 2 faced devil—they just take turns leading. My brainwashed sister says hate speech must be censored by her church—the democrat party. She says this while shooting hate herself like a machine gun. Some toward me because I committed her “churches” sin—I did not vax. She told me this weekend, after a lovely fun visit, that I was a white supremicist and because I did not vax that id better hope I don’t get it because “karmas a bitch” She is hyper vaxxed and has had bad Covid twice. She’s toxic and I’m staying away now. I’m 12 years older. At 75 I don’t need this. She shunned me for almost a year. To her credit, she apologized but now I should have asked what she was apologizing FOR. I am praying for her. Take care. We are alive, awake and ready. 👍🏻👍🏻

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That's difficult. I'm slightly younger at 72, with no siblings or children, which comes with its own set of problems. I see what you are describing in certain other people and, not being related, I stay away from them. I don't think there is much else to do at that stage other than set an example, rather passively, and pray (with an understanding of what prayer means and does). But people do move on to other stages. I've been through quite a few.

I no longer know most of the people I knew before 2020. I'm sure it has something to do with living in California, but still. Years ago when I was finding my way back into the faith, at the aforementioned 'liberal'/progressive church, I read the book _Post-Traumatic Church Syndrome_ by Reba Riley. I never went quite that far myself -- a different church every week for a year -- but I certainly enjoyed the book, which was intended to be humorous.

I like the idea of looking at politics factually. I lean rather heavily toward intuition, and am not particularly good at analysis and numbers. That's why I am here at this blog, I guess. I'm certainly learning. That 1 Timothy 6:10 reference a while back might be part of it too.

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It’s such a comfort to talk to others and share our common experiences. I learn to give grace and walk in others shoes which I will try to do about my sister. She has an unhappy life, is not healthy and has no friends to bond with. I pray for her and realize I have so many blessings and friends, family to enrich my life and give support. I want to help her.

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I've pretty much always been a libertarian, politically speaking.

Although after the serial fusterclucks we've seen in government at all levels since 2020, anarchy is starting to look really appealing....

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May 26, 2023Liked by Peter Nayland Kust

Indeed. I’m heading your direction. Ive been a Christian 45 years. Attending church all that time. I was appalled at the cringing and instant obedience to the State they showed, including my denomination. I left. But recently returned to a church with a much fewer, mostly old people like myself. But God is there too. I’m now seeing the windup to blaming Christian’s for a new round of hate on the putrid left media. The media that served the kool-ade to my sister. My sister called me a white supremisist this week. With what proof? They told her so. And then wished for karma to greet me at some time. I’m still an unclean diseased immoral anti-vaxxer you know. I’m going to ignore her. She is captured body mind and soul. But my door is open. The left is either desperate or captured body, mind and soul by evil. The real thing. Take care my friend, these are dangerous times but forewarned is forewarned. 👍🏻🙏🏻

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May 26, 2023Liked by Peter Nayland Kust

Jesus said they will hate you in the end times. Baby, we’re there.

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