You'd think the company itself would concede it as well.

How much money is flowing to these 'executives' in these companies to make these decisions that are injurious to the same's well being? And from what entity?

It seems to me either the 'executives' are either just revolving door bureaucrats from government or idiots.

What am I missing here, Peter?

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Corporate compensation stopped being aligned with corporate long term interests ages ago.

The executives don't give a damn about the company. They just want their quarterly bonuses.

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"Reality is setting in ... ." Indeed, and bring on some more. Obviously not everyone is on board with the depop.

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Most people, given the choice, prefer to be above the dirt than under it.

We're funny that way.

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Mandates violated US law, pilots cannot receive non-approved medications like these emergency use authorized experimental injections. Pilots' Association is suing now.

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Were plane crashes part of the depop?

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Dear lord please let this trickle down to healthcare

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It will take separate litigation, but it's hard to see how it wouldn't.

Rights of bodily autonomy are necessarily universal. The rights of pilots are going to match the rights of nurses in this regard.

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Trudeau will find a way to not "see" this through.... 😢

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True. If it involves respecting civil rights or civil liberties Justine Trudeau will almost be vehemently opposed to it.

He makes Leon Trotsky seem almost libertarian!

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