Two points:

1) They will not succeed. The current omicron variants are much to contagious to contain, even with a hard lock-down.

2) I can't believe they don't know this, so there has to be an ulterior motive. There are lots of theories as to what it might be, but none of them strike me as the obvious explanation for this lunacy.

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They can't succeed because their original lockdown failed.


The vast majority of China's COVID cases in 2020, during the original lockdown, occurred more than two weeks AFTER the lockdown was initiated. If the lockdown was effective, that would be mathematically impossible -- with what is effectively a province and country wide quarantine, there should have been a tapering by the two week mark that did not happen.

The math, like the rest of the science, has not changed.

Does Beijing understand this? It's hard to fathom that they don't, but the CCP is the same group that couldn't run a simple population projection to see the dangers fifty years out of their One Child Policy. So it is quite possible they don't know it. After all, Anthony "the Science" Fauci still thinks lockdowns, face masks, and the Big Pharma inoculations are both safe and highly effective.

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Tag für Tag werden wir von polit-medialen Agitatoren belästigt, die inzwischen so extrem vernetzt sind und derart viel Macht besitzen, dass sie die Welt nahezu nach Belieben formen können. Nichts ist ihnen heilig. Nicht einmal Menschenleben.

Die Mehrheit der Bürger ist nicht in der Lage, dies zu erkennen. Nur deshalb haben Systeme, die auf Lügen, Halbwahrheiten und Verzerrungen setzen, eine Chance. Die wirklichen Verantwortlichen agieren dabei länderübergreifend, mit nationalen Marionetten, von denen die breite Masse glaubt, sie führten ihr Land.

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