If it takes piece-meal proof to unseat this imposter and habitual liar, then let the proof pile up!

He's not an adherent of the Hippocratic Oath and has violated that Oath perpetually. The fact he doesn't appear sleep-deprived tells me he has no problems at all sleeping well every night after what he's been involved in. If removing the beagle's voice box so they couldn't hear their wailing discomfort from tortured bodies doesn't convince you that Fraudci doesn't care about people either, then there's not one shred of humanity in you.

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The proof will come out however it will.

Yet in one key sense, this revelation is one of the most damaging. The other instances of malfeasance could be notionally defended in the name of "science".

This time, however, he's been found to be perverting the science. Both he and Dr Collins essentially pressured other researchers to write what amounts to a false paper, and bought the authors off with extra research funding.

Other scientists who might otherwise defend Fauci on the inoculations might prove less tolerant of this sin. Fauci now threatens their own credibility, which is the essential currency among researchers; if you can't be believed you're done doing scientific research.

This is not the sort of "shocking revelation" that will cause legal sanctions to be levied against him, but it is the sort of revelation that could drive a wedge between him and the rest of the scientific community.

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Thank you for commenting. The only way facts matter is if we talk about them. Discussion is essential and I'm glad to see people here willing to discuss.

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