Oct 14Liked by Peter Nayland Kust

Facts matter and the larger purveyor of mis information is coming from 1600 Pennsylvania ave.

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Just because she’s a Dyke lesbian stamp, licking bitch doesn’t give her the right to label me as misleading or misinformation

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"It is politically problematic to place the disaster relief needs of other nations ahead of the disaster relief needs of American citizens." It's not just "politically problematic" it's downright immoral, unethical and I dare say criminal. And so much more.

Their idiocy knows no bounds.

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She tries real hard to sound like Obama and look like The Lil Rascal’s.

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Oct 9Liked by Peter Nayland Kust

Quick note… I believe as usual that a Democrat has once again “failed up”. Jean is not helping Biden or Harris as Press Secretary, so they moved her into a “titled” position in which she again does what she’s told, but never talks about it to the American people. Problem solved.

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Oct 9Liked by Peter Nayland Kust

Anytime you start a conversation with “OK, this is what I’m going to be clear about”, is a problem and an admission of the obvious lies and lying by omission. No one espousing truth has to “prepare the listener.” This is a propagandist technique that she and this entire political & bureaucratic administration use often. Plain speaking is not difficult if you know what you’re talking about and you believe what you say is true.

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You are expecting common sense and plain speaking from politicians and press secretaries.

You might be a wee bit disappointed. Just sayin.....

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Oct 9Liked by Peter Nayland Kust

These people get further & further from reality each day. Can you say “weird”?

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Wait...wait...yes, I think I can say weird....let me try.....

J D Vance

(yes, that's sarcasm. I have a "weird" sense of humor)

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Carolina DENIERS 👉🕸️🕷️

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Oct 9Liked by Peter Nayland Kust

I liked it better when she dressed like a woman instead of looking like she borrowed one of Danny DeVito’s old suits. She’s really a pretty woman and has a real presence. Too bad she uses it to lie and obfuscate.

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Oct 8Liked by Peter Nayland Kust

Not only are Palestinians prioritized over citizens by the Harris / Biden administration. They signed a bill in 2022 to transfer $800 million from the US Customs and Border Protection to FEMA, $785 million of it went to the “Shelter and Services Program”, which gives financial support to migrants. Our citizens are consistently secondary or tertiary or even less in their eyes.

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There is a perverse irony here, but I have to agree with Joe Biden: "Show me your budget and I will tell you what you value."

Peter Doocy hammered that point home yesterday because it's a good point. How we spend our money tells a lot about the sort of people we are--and the sort of saints we most likely are not.

While technically not a "raiding" of the Disaster Relief Fund, the CBP funds transfer and the Shelter and Services Program says a lot about where American citizens fit into the priorities of the (Biden-)Harris Administration. We're not at the top of the list, nor even close to the top.

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Didn't realize she just got promoted. Hard to keep up with everything these days. . Obviously more DEI, as she has virtually "ZERO" qualifications. Should thus fit right in as an advisor for "Dementia Joe" and maybe even "Cackling Kamala" as well, if she should happen to win; as neither of those two are qualified either. Linking once again, Peter, @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Apparently, she was "promoted" a few months back and no one got around to announcing it...which is odd because Washington is a town that thrives on job titles. Getting a new title presumably means (at least in the prevailing swamp culture) enhanced access.

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Well if it happened a few months back, I guess that kind of proves the point that she has no qualifications, as nothing has changed over the past few moths except maybe for the worse. That just shows how good her input might be as an advisor!!!

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Oct 8Liked by Peter Nayland Kust

Worst press secretary ever.

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Flopsy of Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cottontail

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Oct 10Liked by Peter Nayland Kust

Oh, don't ruin Peter Cotton Tail for me. They've already destroyed rainbows.


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Haven't they though

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Oct 8Liked by Peter Nayland Kust

Wow, Peter, you’ve really expressed the issues absolutely perfectly! I’ll bet you are a very good public speaker, and you could do Karine’s job better - except that you wouldn’t lie, obfuscate, or tap-dance around issues, all of which are apparently required for the job.

One of the hardest things to change is someone’s ‘mindset’. Once they’ve been indoctrinated and twisted into certain thought processes and underlying premises, they can’t even see their logical fallacies and their idiocies. Their speech then becomes Orwellian, where ‘war is peace’, and ‘compliance is freedom’. I’ve watched over my lifetime as the government mindset has become stunningly bureaucratic. They think that if ‘the funds have been allocated’, that means the job was accomplished! Yet ask the hurricane survivors and they’ll tell their stories of FEMA putzing around without actually fixing much.

And this?

“You have to formulate a reasoned and reasonable answer to a question on the fly, at least sounding as if you are answering the question, while avoiding stepping on any toes or rhetorical...”

That’s exactly what Harris cannot do! If she can be coerced into giving interviews and answering hard questions on the fly, she will be exposed as the mediocre flunky she is. Trump wins!

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Oct 8Liked by Peter Nayland Kust

He can't do Karine's job. He isn't "diverse" enough to even be on the list. Discrimination is rampant in this administration.

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Well it is true I can't identify as a black lesbian. Piers Morgan already beat me to it!

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Well, I don't mean to brag....oh what the hell, yeah, I'm going to brag...

Yes, I am damn good at handling Q&A.

Because I take the time to know my issues and know my talking points.

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Hey Peter, check out today’s Honest Media Substack, which has cross-posted from the Kennedy Beacon. They are starting an open forum that may interest you as a pathway for your ideas to reach policy makers:

“Rather than rely on think tanks and establishment interests to frame the agenda of the incoming presidential administration, the forum is embracing an “open-source think tank” model to ensure the best ideas reach the White House.”

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Oct 8Liked by Peter Nayland Kust

Her response goes along very nicely with “Your speech is violence, our violence is speech.” Perhaps KJP really meant to say to Doocy (who’s a journalist for Fox News, not some tinfoil hat type), “Your truths are lies, our lies are truths.”

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Exactly. "Your whole premise of the question is misinformation"

That is simply not a logical possibility. Is it a "gotcha" question? Absolutely. And it was expertly done.

But "gotcha" questions are not "misinformation". They are a part of how journalists hold public figures accountable. That's how journalists make public figures squirm. That's what journlists are supposed to do.

Doocy understands this. Jean Pierre does not.

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Oct 8Liked by Peter Nayland Kust

After watching them spar at WH pressers for 3+ years, I think that Doocy is living rent free in KJP’s head. 😆

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Trump certainly is

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Absolutely. He’s been in their heads rent free for eight years!

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That's because she has no sense of humor. Everything for her has to be "serious".

My favorite anecdote (which I've shared multiple times) is when Sam Donaldson tried to pin Ronald Reagan down with a "gotcha" question on government budgets and responsibility. Donaldson prefaced the question by pointing out how Reagan had spoken of how Democrats were responsible for the profligate budgets that were a part of the economic crisis of the time, and then went for the kill by asking Reagan if he shared any of that responsibility.

Without missing a beat Reagan came back in that earnest Midwestern tone of his "Yes, because for many years I was a Democrat."

Even Sam Donaldson had to laugh. He knew he'd been bested.

Jean Pierre on her best day could never come up with even a little snark like that.

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Oct 8Liked by Peter Nayland Kust

With very few exceptions, the hardcore left is humorless. And they hate to be made fun of or mocked.

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And yet they are self mocking most of the time.

Irony abounds.

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Oct 8Liked by Peter Nayland Kust

Thank you for providing Truth and Original Sources...so much for Spin. MSM as a branch of the Dem govt is grossly negligent and culpable in the death, demise and continued catastrophe in NC and other devastated places because the Media should be used to tell the TRUTH objectively and pressure our Govt to do the right thing.

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If you went strictly by the FEMA press releases, one might be forgiven for thinking they were doing an excellent job.

And the FEMA press releases are a masterclass in how bureaucrats measure success.

"The agency is actively working alongside state, local and tribal partners to assess damage and support those affected by Helene. Nearly 7,000 personnel from across the federal workforce are deployed, including FEMA staff. To date, FEMA has shipped over 15.6 million meals, more than 13.9 million liters of water, 157 generators and more than 505,000 tarps to the region. "


Note the stats and the language: they've SHIPPED millions of meals, millions of liters of water, hundreds of generators.

They don't say they've fed those meals to people. They don't say they've provided clean water for drinking and bathing to people. They don't say they've delivered generators to communities, families, and businesses.

All the supplies in the world don't amount to a damn thing until they get where they are needed. A liter of water sitting in a warehouse waiting to be distributed is a liter of water that might as well not exist for a thirsty resident of Chimney Rock, North Carolina.

And that's what we're seeing. I would not be surprised if we found that in regional airports in North Carolina and Georgia there were hangars full of these supplies, waiting to be delivered--and no orders coming down on where to deliver them.

And that gap is the difference between FEMA success and FEMA failure.

What's appalling is that the White House Press Secretary is so removed from reality that she is unable to grasp this.

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And here’s another fair question: Where the f-ck is Congress? Get back in session and put together a humongous aid package for Helene and Milton survivors and DARE Democrats to vote against it. Use this opportunity to play some hardball politics. You think the Dems wouldn’t screw you if they could? “Never let a crisis go to waste”.

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But they do let a crisis got to waste, all the time.

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