I agree with you 100% regarding free speech. There is no honesty without free speech. No honor. No progress. It’s foundational to so much that is good and necessary to a desirable society.
I wish that people would boycott any social media that censors free speech. Go elsewhere, or start your own social platform. Unfortunately, people aliv…
I agree with you 100% regarding free speech. There is no honesty without free speech. No honor. No progress. It’s foundational to so much that is good and necessary to a desirable society.
I wish that people would boycott any social media that censors free speech. Go elsewhere, or start your own social platform. Unfortunately, people alive today in the western world have not been sufficiently taught the paramount virtue of free speech, so that’s not likely to happen.
I’m so disgusted with the EU’s censorship stance that I no longer want to visit there. I had dreamed of spending a whole pile of tourist dollars in Great Britain, France, and other European locales, but no more. Not if I had to take experiment ‘vaccines’, have a digital ID, or have my retinas scanned into a government data base at airports. Please, let’s have American tourist spending plummet in the EU. See how they like THAT response to censorship!
I watched the Tucker Carlson interview with Durov, and wow, what an impressive man. Sadly, he told a depressing story of when he was in the US looking for a home base for his growing empire. He was seriously considering places in Silicon Valley, but then, in broad daylight, he was viciously mugged on a street in San Francisco. Needless to say, he took his hundreds of jobs elsewhere. Newsom, you stupid twit, look what kind of damage is done by your soft-on-crime policies!
I agree with you 100% regarding free speech. There is no honesty without free speech. No honor. No progress. It’s foundational to so much that is good and necessary to a desirable society.
I wish that people would boycott any social media that censors free speech. Go elsewhere, or start your own social platform. Unfortunately, people alive today in the western world have not been sufficiently taught the paramount virtue of free speech, so that’s not likely to happen.
I’m so disgusted with the EU’s censorship stance that I no longer want to visit there. I had dreamed of spending a whole pile of tourist dollars in Great Britain, France, and other European locales, but no more. Not if I had to take experiment ‘vaccines’, have a digital ID, or have my retinas scanned into a government data base at airports. Please, let’s have American tourist spending plummet in the EU. See how they like THAT response to censorship!
I watched the Tucker Carlson interview with Durov, and wow, what an impressive man. Sadly, he told a depressing story of when he was in the US looking for a home base for his growing empire. He was seriously considering places in Silicon Valley, but then, in broad daylight, he was viciously mugged on a street in San Francisco. Needless to say, he took his hundreds of jobs elsewhere. Newsom, you stupid twit, look what kind of damage is done by your soft-on-crime policies!
The UK is not an EU member. “Brexit” (as the popular press terms it) ended the UK’s membership.
Oh, I know. I just lump all of the European nations together as places I’ve always wanted to visit.