She’s really an embarrassment.

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Jan 16Liked by Peter Nayland Kust

The truth is always stranger than fiction

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Jan 16Liked by Peter Nayland Kust

Gotta add:

Naivety with a healthy amount of absolute stupidity.

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When Jonathan Turley compared her indictment of Donald Trump to a Jackson Pollock painting, it was a good sign that the case was going to degenerate into a clown show.

Although I don't think even he anticipated Willis being this screwball.

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Jan 16Liked by Peter Nayland Kust

I hadn't seen the Turley comment.


While I admire Pollock's work, I always believed he was halfway mad...

You know, sorta like Fani...

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Jan 16Liked by Peter Nayland Kust

Most of us have shot ourselves in the foot at least once in our lives. Willis and Wade have dropped a nuclear bomb on theirs! I’m reminded of Bill Clinton and Monika Lewinsky - what a huge scandal that evolved to be! And you’re right, Peter, if this can be proven to be tied to Biden, it could be decisive in the election. It could be his Watergate.

I have been so dismayed, watching Biden’s administration turn into an authoritarian regime weaponizing our legal system against political opponents as if we were some banana republic. But I break into a smile every time you do your ‘prosecute/persecute’ signature lick , Peter - I love wry touches like that!

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Jan 16Liked by Peter Nayland Kust

I’m amazed the powers that be are actually going to review her nefarious actions - every other Biden era misjustice comes and goes without apology or punishment.

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Jan 16·edited Jan 16Author

They don't really have a choice. The moment she got subpoenaed in Nathan Wade's divorce trial, she was too visible to ignore.

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Jan 16Liked by Peter Nayland Kust

And there’s too much evidence for her to get away with playing the ‘race card’ - how lame!

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Jan 16Liked by Peter Nayland Kust

You’ve noticed that too!

I’m looking forward to seeing a few people getting their ‘comeuppance’ and ‘being hoisted by their own petards’, to use two antiquated phrases.

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