Sweden is STILL pushing the bioweapon injections (for everyone above 12 years). 3 party leaders took their third injection and then got sick in what the injection should protect them from ("but they got less sick?!?" OK, show me the RCT for that!) so of course yet another party leader from the Leftist Party bragged about sending money to big pharma to get more sick and more dead of all causes - According to the RCTs from the injection producers (hidden in appendix 3 etc, and that is where you find the good stuff).

Here in Swedish, but link to the Canadian original in the description:


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The politicians are going to use "the vaccines worked" as their pandemic off ramp if they're smart. It's not honest but it is good politics.

The world is going to be years sorting out the damage done by Big Pharma. Just by the mortality data alone there are questions about the mRNA shots that will not go away.

But ending pandemic restrictions is still a step in the right direction. Not the last step, just an important step. And the more countries drop their mandates and restrictions the more pressure there is on Ottawa and Washington DC to do likewise.

This contest will not be decided in a day or even a year. We should take the victories when they come.

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