“Yet bias will always be bias. People will always think the worst of candidates they dislike while excusing the worst of the candidates they like. This is how people tend to think when it comes to politics.

We should not, as a consequence, look for ideological purity or even moral sanctity in either candidate. We should be focused on what each candidate proposes to do should they get elected, and how well their agenda reconciles to the Constitution and to the preservation of our personal individual freedom.”


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Another deeply researched and absorbing read, Peter - especially regarding the (complicated) words of Lincoln.

I am trying to believe that our political system hasn’t been corrupted and sold out to s wicked globalist agenda. I have a difficult time believing Trump will be allowed to emerge victorious, and even if he does win, what kind of folks will be installed in cabinet positions? Will we get more swamp creatures like Pompeo and Barr? Dimon to run Treasury heaven forbid.

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Even if Trump wins, we are still facing a government that is opposed to letting people keep their liberty and even their property.

Even if Trump wins, we are still facing a Deep State that is increasingly fascistic and authoritarian.

Even if Trump wins, the Establishmentarians in both parties are on board with this creeping fascism.

Yet if Trump wins, there is at least a fight that can be had. If Trump loses there will be no fight at all unless we open the cartridge box.

Getting Trump elected is not the end, it's not even the beginning of the end. It is at best the end of the beginning. (Apologies to Winston Churchill).

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Well said, Peter! I am repeatedly amazed and even thrilled by how well you write, and by the excellent content of your character!

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