I am just curious. Seriously. How do the fasco-Marxists behind this actually look in the mirror at themselves each day? How do they look their children, their spouses, etc. in the eye? The level of arrogant, soul-less, a-humaness of these people is truly a marvel.
But then, Nazi concentration camp people would go to the opera after a busy day of killing people, so I guess it makes sense. If this were a family member of mine, I would go up to them, in their face, and tell them directly what I think of their evil.
But, as Hannah Arendt wrote about in the Banality of Evil, these people actually are soul-less enough to do what they do. CS Lewis wrote about this in Perelandra, where Dr. Weston, who is just like these people noted above, increasingly because just a walking corpse.
And to think. There really is a literal, actual Hell. These people walk around for a few more years, and then eternity awaits them. And last I heard, we are going to be dead a WHOLE lot longer than we are alive. But then, that is the scam from the demonic force running this world. These people are full of themselves, and the present. Yet, by the time they read this - or those monitoring this site - they are just THAT much closer to an eternity of complete and utter separation from all that is real, all that is good, all that is lovely. CS Lewis wrote about this also in the Great Divorces. Would that those monitoring this site had the intellectual honesty to read it.
You know, NKVD leader Lavretiy Beria also had the world by the tail under Stalin; so did Roland Friesler, Hitler's main judge. So did Mao's Lin Piao? How did that end up? That moment these people are living for, exulting in their power, is already gone in part by the time the finish reading this. The irony is, the threat of eternity of Hell should scare any sane man. Only, they are not sane.
Actually, what all this is, is investigation tampering. By indicting Trump's valet the Biden DOJ is warning congress what could happen to them if they continue to investigate the criminal dealings of the illegally inserted president.
But the question still remains, why prosecute one but not another.
The American people, not the rads on ether side, should be allowed to choose, and if they are, let us choose, wait for it, ...................... A NEW GOVERNMENT.
I think the WEF should take over immediately.
OK, maybe not the WEF, but you know, somebody, anybody, how about you, Peter. You've always done a pretty good job here. Think you can stop a revolution.
Cause that's what you'll get if they carry on with this.
It took such restraint to not go get our brothers out of the DC Gulag. Because we could!
They are pushing too hard, do they want us to push back?
Unfortunately, at this point is seems this will just move along at pace. Trump will be removed from being eligible for the Presidency and our leaders on the right will do a lot of podcasts and youtube videos declaring outrage, and Biden's second term will continue apace. I hate to be so negative about it, but there seems to be no real challenge to the system from the population that will derail this.
Even if they secure a conviction, that alone would not render Donald Trump ineligible for office. The qualifications for national office are laid out in the Constitution, and the Supreme Court already ruled that acts of a legislature cannot change them.
U.S. Term Limits, Inc. v. Thornton, 514 U.S. 779 (1995)
I am just curious. Seriously. How do the fasco-Marxists behind this actually look in the mirror at themselves each day? How do they look their children, their spouses, etc. in the eye? The level of arrogant, soul-less, a-humaness of these people is truly a marvel.
But then, Nazi concentration camp people would go to the opera after a busy day of killing people, so I guess it makes sense. If this were a family member of mine, I would go up to them, in their face, and tell them directly what I think of their evil.
But, as Hannah Arendt wrote about in the Banality of Evil, these people actually are soul-less enough to do what they do. CS Lewis wrote about this in Perelandra, where Dr. Weston, who is just like these people noted above, increasingly because just a walking corpse.
And to think. There really is a literal, actual Hell. These people walk around for a few more years, and then eternity awaits them. And last I heard, we are going to be dead a WHOLE lot longer than we are alive. But then, that is the scam from the demonic force running this world. These people are full of themselves, and the present. Yet, by the time they read this - or those monitoring this site - they are just THAT much closer to an eternity of complete and utter separation from all that is real, all that is good, all that is lovely. CS Lewis wrote about this also in the Great Divorces. Would that those monitoring this site had the intellectual honesty to read it.
You know, NKVD leader Lavretiy Beria also had the world by the tail under Stalin; so did Roland Friesler, Hitler's main judge. So did Mao's Lin Piao? How did that end up? That moment these people are living for, exulting in their power, is already gone in part by the time the finish reading this. The irony is, the threat of eternity of Hell should scare any sane man. Only, they are not sane.
This indictment sure makes a great, timely distraction from J. Robinette Biden's bribery scandal doesn't it?
It does indeed. But surely our impartial Department of (In)Justice would never abuse the judicial process that way!
Actually, what all this is, is investigation tampering. By indicting Trump's valet the Biden DOJ is warning congress what could happen to them if they continue to investigate the criminal dealings of the illegally inserted president.
I have read that there already are allegations of misconduct by the Special Counsel.
We know what and why and who and even where.
But the question still remains, why prosecute one but not another.
The American people, not the rads on ether side, should be allowed to choose, and if they are, let us choose, wait for it, ...................... A NEW GOVERNMENT.
I think the WEF should take over immediately.
OK, maybe not the WEF, but you know, somebody, anybody, how about you, Peter. You've always done a pretty good job here. Think you can stop a revolution.
Cause that's what you'll get if they carry on with this.
It took such restraint to not go get our brothers out of the DC Gulag. Because we could!
They are pushing too hard, do they want us to push back?
I might be able to stop the revolution, were it not for the fact that I would in the vanguard of the revolution.
I always pray we will not need to open the cartridge box. But if it comes to it, I will open the cartridge box.
Mr. Kust, this is the most fair and sensible post I have read on the issue. Thank you!
Unfortunately, at this point is seems this will just move along at pace. Trump will be removed from being eligible for the Presidency and our leaders on the right will do a lot of podcasts and youtube videos declaring outrage, and Biden's second term will continue apace. I hate to be so negative about it, but there seems to be no real challenge to the system from the population that will derail this.
Even if they secure a conviction, that alone would not render Donald Trump ineligible for office. The qualifications for national office are laid out in the Constitution, and the Supreme Court already ruled that acts of a legislature cannot change them.
U.S. Term Limits, Inc. v. Thornton, 514 U.S. 779 (1995)
You’re probably right, but I still have hopes that *something* will happen before Election Day that will spare us another four years of Dementia Joe.