There are still wild cards at play here. "Cacklin" Kamala may be a temporary replacement for "Dementia" Joe: but we still have Hillary, who has always longed for the job, and who Martin Armstrong has said all along is the successor to Biden, if he isn't the nominee come election time. Then there's also "Big Mike", Gavin "Grinning Boy" Newsom. J.B. "Prickster" from Illinois. all who could fit into the equation somehow as they all have greater ambitions.
There is one other aspect I hope you will discuss: Jill Biden’s legacy.
If Joe is as bad as he seems, Jill risks going down in history as a horrible, elder-abusing wife. She could be written up as scheming, uncaring, and consumed only with holding onto her personal power and perks. Probably only Lincoln’s wife will look worse in the history books.
So why is she doing this, instead of leading the way to encourage her husband to step down for the good of the country and his personal health? It’s been said that people who will do anything to achieve great power will do absolutely anything to hold onto it. So I’m wondering: how much of her stance is clinging to power (90?) versus her conviction that keeping Joe as the candidate is best for the party and the country? Your thoughts, Peter?
The SS Democrat is taking on water and threatening to sink from self imposed torpedo magazine explosions. And the rats (DemocRAT & ReplubliCon) are abandoning ship.
Some are abandoning ship, I haven't seen the DemocRATS/ReplubliCONS this rattled, ever.
The others are managing the newly discovered bulge pumps. Good luck!
Still more are undecided what to do, but I doubt they'll go with Genocide Joe, even if that's their best bet. Jill won't be the savior of the party, neither will Hunter, period.
The question is whether the focus stays on Biden or whether something takes the media spotlight away.
The media is as fickle as the politicians. It would not be unreasonable for Jill Biden to believe she can just out-stubborn her adversaries a la Cersei Lannister.
Friedman saying Biden is a 'good man and good president' is such a Friedman thing to say.
Too bad the Friedman op/ed generator is no longer in operation.
There are still wild cards at play here. "Cacklin" Kamala may be a temporary replacement for "Dementia" Joe: but we still have Hillary, who has always longed for the job, and who Martin Armstrong has said all along is the successor to Biden, if he isn't the nominee come election time. Then there's also "Big Mike", Gavin "Grinning Boy" Newsom. J.B. "Prickster" from Illinois. all who could fit into the equation somehow as they all have greater ambitions.
You are insightful as always, Peter.
There is one other aspect I hope you will discuss: Jill Biden’s legacy.
If Joe is as bad as he seems, Jill risks going down in history as a horrible, elder-abusing wife. She could be written up as scheming, uncaring, and consumed only with holding onto her personal power and perks. Probably only Lincoln’s wife will look worse in the history books.
So why is she doing this, instead of leading the way to encourage her husband to step down for the good of the country and his personal health? It’s been said that people who will do anything to achieve great power will do absolutely anything to hold onto it. So I’m wondering: how much of her stance is clinging to power (90?) versus her conviction that keeping Joe as the candidate is best for the party and the country? Your thoughts, Peter?
Jill Biden is no Eleanor Roosevelt. She was never going to have much of a legacy.
I figure she's about as legacy minded as Edith Wilson was in 1919-1920.
The SS Democrat is taking on water and threatening to sink from self imposed torpedo magazine explosions. And the rats (DemocRAT & ReplubliCon) are abandoning ship.
They're making noises as if they are abandoning the ship.
Don't be too quick to believe they are serious.
Modern politicians are an infamously unserious lot.
So far I am not seeing s clear leader among the "dump Biden" crowd, and certainly not one of enough stature to have the gravitas to make a difference.
When the psychodrama reduces to Joe/Jill vs a single person, then Biden will be pushed out. I doubt he'll go before then. Why would he?
Some are abandoning ship, I haven't seen the DemocRATS/ReplubliCONS this rattled, ever.
The others are managing the newly discovered bulge pumps. Good luck!
Still more are undecided what to do, but I doubt they'll go with Genocide Joe, even if that's their best bet. Jill won't be the savior of the party, neither will Hunter, period.
The question is whether the focus stays on Biden or whether something takes the media spotlight away.
The media is as fickle as the politicians. It would not be unreasonable for Jill Biden to believe she can just out-stubborn her adversaries a la Cersei Lannister.
Breaking news: Biden Tells Key Ally He’s Considering Departing the Presidential Race
So far the "key ally" is not named.
I suspect that story is a plant. Coin toss as to whether Jill Biden or the DNC planted it.
As long as DOCTOR Jill Biden is running the show, Joe isn’t going anywhere.
That is very likely the case.
Joe Biden is in the driver's seat on this. Which is to say Jill Biden is in the driver's seat.
This is not going to end well.