I find it funny how "democracy" is the greatest thing ever, right until a place votes for something that The Powers That Be don't like. See Italy as one example; they will be punished economically for voting the wrong way because we can't just call the Italian elections a "sham". Now the ethnic Russian provinces of Ukraine; yep, those elections were obviously a sham and illegitimate, just like the referendum in Crimea was in 2014, right?

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In Luhansk and Donetsk, I can believe there would be sufficient pro-Russian sentiment for an accession referendum to pass. After all, that's where pro-Russian separatists have been fighting for years for that very objective.

Kherson? That's well outside the separatist Donbass region.

Crimea was Russian territory up until the 50s, when Krushchev transferred it to Ukraine, so once again, the premise of a sufficient degree of pro-Russian sentiment is believable. The fact that there does not appear to have been much opposition to Russian occupation since 2014 is rather strong evidence that the people in Crimea are at the very least unopposed to being Russian rather than Ukrainian.

However, even accepting the existence of pro-Russian groups and ethnic Russian enclaves within these regions, with a number of residents of these areas having fled to escape the ravages of the war, as well as the presence of arguably hostile troops during the referendum process, the credibility of the referendum vote has to be deemed suspect.

For example, a 2015 survey of Ukrainians found that only 3% of Ukrainians--and 0% of the inhabitants of Kherson--wanted to be part of Russia rather than Ukraine.


Yet somehow once Russia occupies Kherson the people there have a complete change of heart and want to be part of Russia proper?

Accepting these referenda results at face value requires a degree of credulity that is simply not justifiable under the circumstances.

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Well, Putin got his "land bridge" and now let us see if he can keep it.

The only thing worse than a dictatorship with thousands of nukes and sophisticated delivery systems? A weak one.

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If he loses kherson he's in major trouble. Having just decreed that to be eternally Russia, if Ukraine takes it back his credibility with the Russian people will take it in the shorts.

If he's cornered, he becomes really dangerous. That's when I would fear the nukes, when he believes he's got nothing to lose.

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