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hear hear!!! -- you keep a moderate, fact-based approach to all your writing, and are willing to call this out for the tragic loss of intellectual and societal honesty it represents, that we would discard commonly known/recognized norms to 'win at all costs' (defeat our political opponent) -- the deeper concern/question is whether/should the conservatives respond in kind?

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My concern is whether conservatives/libertarians will have a choice?

The rule of law works because EVERYONE accepts the law and abides by the law. When any one side unilaterally abrogates that basic social contract, the rule of law is effectively terminated.

If we have no rule of law, then for survival's sake how can we not respond in kind?

I wish I were a wise man that I could see how to stop this madness. So far I am coming up empty. I see it, and I see where it leads, but I am not seeing any way to stop it.

That scares me.

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so one way to view the result if conservatives act likewise is the 'race to the bottom', but isn't that the secular view?

another way to think of it, credit to Jeff Childers, author of coffee and covid, is that only dumb/morally corrupt people would bring these kinds of suits, as people thinking clearly would know either the law wasn't made for the purported crime (as in Ga and in the NY over-valuation case) or that it was such common sense not to even go there (or more critically, it would break with the forever views/tradition of the US political system or constitution), leaving only these bankrupt/dumb folks to proceed, and then we have the Ga instance where those people's prior dumb things are brought to light, and then maybe that cycle reveals what happens when dumb people try bringing these cases and it deters others -- that maybe holds some street/base logic.

and then there's maybe the scripture view, which I've been pondering in a different context -- namely, when is it ever OK to knowingly violate a commandment? like, 'do not steal,' if I'm stealing only to feed my starving family?

is this permitted, would God understand?

I submit no -- that he expects us to obey in all instances, and that in pushing our faith to those limits it allows us to see Him work in our lives; and only if we do that will we see it come to fruition -- what is that passage from OT where the prophet meets the mother at the gate, during the famine, and he asks her to make him some food, and she replies the food is all she has for her and her dying son, they were going to eat their last meal before dying; the prophet convinces her to make him a meal with those last portions, and God reveals His grace (their faith is rewarded) with lasting food -- over and over this is revealed where we trust in Him; even Jesus in the garden just prior to being betrayed with was asking the cup to be taken, if it was His will, only -- and yet Jesus endured in His obedience to God and was clearly rewarded for His faith in God's will

so here, let's play by God's rules -- He will provide -- maybe not in our lifetimes or maybe so, but not in our sphere of awareness, but still, we can run the race. Let's see what great things He provides.

and you sir are doing your part, keep at it!

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Peter, you have repeatedly shown yourself to be a very wise man. Now perhaps you need to hold onto hope, and faith in the American people. We have a history of naively being duped, but of waking up once we get our facts straight. You are daily doing your part in bravely speaking Truth, and that may end up contributing more than we could hope. I only wish your writings and sound reasoning could be read by hundreds of millions!

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Gbill - would like your thoughts on my note prior, about how we are rewarded with wisdom into God's plans by always honoring His commandments, esp so when it is hard to do do.

Also, just wondering, what faith do you follow? We are Catholic and have found it hard to accept some of their recent activity -- is quite alarming and disappointing.

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I could handle a subscriber base of hundreds of millions! :P

I'm actually not worried about people waking up and getting their facts straight. I'm worried about what has to be done when enough people wake up and get their facts straight.

If we cannot rely on the ballot box and the jury box to protect our civil liberties, then the only option left is the cartridge box.

I don't think the Democrats realize just how fragile the rule of law actually is, or how their antics could tear the Republic apart. Somehow they have convinced themselves that these lawfare tactics are immune to consequence--and that is just never true.

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See how wise you are?

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