So is frustrating, infuriating, wrong! And thank God, Trump is alive. He has a plan for Trump still. The government needs to be dissolved and start over!

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There was some talk that a path led back to Crooks father through tracing the weapon.

I am not confident we know:

The bloodied photo, which looks like Yearick, was indeed taken at the event. Could it be a file photo?

If Crooks is alive or dead

If Yearick is alive or dead

Was there some relationship between Crooks and Yearick? Did Crooks provide a weapon, and/or was killed by Yearick, who then attempted the assassination?

If SS agents actually were on the roof as they were supposed to be, took the shots and the Yearick photos provided as cover?

Or did they usher one of the two to do a likely failing shooting for the Trump narrative boost we see now?

Or no actual shooters and we see actions of a couple dozen crisis actors?

Lots of degrees of freedom still.

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The injuries to Trump are real, so at a minimum there was a shooter.

After that….question marks upon question marks.

The biggest problem I have with what was being reported is that neither Crooks nor Yearick make sense as lone shooters.

Crooks was, from what has been reported, a nerd of above average intelligence, good in math and science, but apparently next to no social skills or social life.

Definitely has the intelligence to master assembling explosive devices. Apparently did not have good marksmanship skills in high school.

Crooks is a perfect fit the disaffected social outcast a la Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold of Colombine infamy. However, if that was the mindset then I’d expect Crooks to move through the crowd going for maximum body count. That would also explain the body armor and the IEDs.

But instead he shows up with a rangefinder and finds the one perch largely unprotected with clear line of site to Trump, and his marksmanship skills have improved enough to come within a half inch of killing Donald Trump?

Yearick isn’t much better. Sure he’s got ties to Antifa, supposedly, and has been to several “protests” cum riots. But that’s not the behavior of someone who acts alone.

Neither individual makes sense as a lone gunman.

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If you are in a place where someone could shoot and kill another it is not unreasonsble to potentially have a SS agent take a good bite out of a tackled former President’s ear. Don’t think I believe that but don’t see how it can be excluded. I do think Trump probably reacted to something real.

The additional information comes from sources on par with those who told us certain substances were safe and effective. They tell us some people died in this. They told us an unprecented number of people died in New York from covid in 2020 too. Agree neither make sense, though maybe Yearick more than the 20 year old. And we seem to know less the more we know.

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First things first:

Who determined the layout for the event and the placement for the stage?


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Jul 18Liked by Peter Nayland Kust

Is a learning moment it seems - many of us are getting much better and faster updates and facts from substack and telegram than from trad MSM, regular people are providing video and first person accounts that are giving more details - is this now the way of the world bc we no longer can trust anyone in media the govt or any other Amercian institution? They have reaped the distrust they have sown no?

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Naomi wolf just put out a very interesting substack on this subject. You should check it out. It’s from the POV of someone who spent years doing campaign work for democrats. I’ll link here in a second.

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Jill Biden?

The problem with ANYONE ordering this shooting is how you get Thomas Crooks to be the shooter.

Contract killers are generally hired by word of mouth. Someone knows a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy. That's for people who operate outside organized crime circles.

Now if someone had enough connections in the area of....shall we say recreational pharmaceuticals....they might know a guy who knows more than few guys.

None of those guys lead to Thomas Crooks based on what's been reported so far.

Such a trail "might" lead to someone such as this "Maxwell Yearick" person is described as being....but that begs the question of why interpose the Thomas Crooks identity (one of the problem of the shooter not being Thomas Crooks is that you have law enforcement committing to a false identification).

Supposedly Crooks might have spent time recently at a gun range. So maybe someone made a connection through there. But if you're hiring someone at a gun range you're hiring someone who's a good shot, not someone who got bounced from the high school marksmanship team.

Naomi Wolf is using Lady MacBeth as literary template. Unfortunately we're stuck somewhere between Lee Child's One Shot (ninth in the "Reacher" novels) and Frederick Forsythe's Day of The Jackal.

We have blatant security failures, but we don't have anything that connects anyone to Thomas Crooks. Which makes a "Lady MacBiden" narrative just that much more speculation.

Nothing that's been reported gets us even a little ways towards anyone named Biden. That's not to say they're exonerated. Just that the evidence doesn't point in their direction. The evidence isn't pointing in any direction.

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FYI, golfers routinely use range finders

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Excellent piece Peter👍💯

I know I got in trouble last weekend when I suggested it wasn't as cut and dried, and "lone gunman" schtick, was a tad too done to death 😉 so I'll behave. But all I'll say is:

1) Certain section of USA politics have been itching for an excuse to go to war with Iran, for quite a while, and the critical thinking begs the query of who/what benefits, or occurs (emergency authorizations, etc), when war is declared? What does Iran have that USA might want, need?

2) as for "pick the assassin" game currently being played out in media. Critical thought - why couldn't it be both? One for weekdays and one for Sunday best😉

Regardless, again I ask, who or what benefits from having all the eyes of the world on this assassination attempt? What legislation is being passed? What contracts are expiring? What legal cases are being quietly ruled on?

#wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforget #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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The Iran angle hasn't gotten any traction. At this pont that bit of administration news leakage is either an attempt at distraction or their a/b testing narrative threads to see which ones spin the best.

We could be seeing the administration a/b testing narrative threads, and that would go a long way towards explaining the schizophrenic nature of the reporting thus far.

However, the crux of the story is still that someone took a shot at Donald Trump. Even if it should emerge that the shooter was NOT Thomas Crooks, there's no getting around the fact that someone took a shot at Donald Trump, killing one innocent bystander in the process and wounding two others.

We've got obvious failures by both the Secret Service and local law enforcement. Intriguingly, Kimberly Cheatle isn't throwing local law enforcement under the bus, which presumably she could do. Dan Bongino has hinted that local law enforcement was supposed to have someone on that roof and that officer just wasn't there.

Kim Cheatle could have said as much and then said "we're investigating what happened to that officer". THAT would have sent the media into a fresh feeding frenzy but it would have taken the heat off the Secret Service at least a little bit. Instead, she put the Secret Service on the hook for the mistake by putting that nonsense out about the roof being sloped.

The one clear beneficiary of this has been Joe Biden. He needed something to take his dementia out of the news cycle and this did it. Not only that he was able to sound more or less coherent in his White House addresses over the weekend--he stumbled and struggled but did well enough to take the wind out of the sails of those who really want him to step aside. Adam Schiff is trying to keep that alive by making fresh calls for him to "pass the torch", but without a fresh meltdown by Joe Biden, those calls lack the dramatic urgency of before.

Thing is, Biden on the ticket as things stand right now doesn't help either the Democrats or the Deep State. Biden on the ticket puts Donald Trump very much in command of this race.

As for why only one assassin....the media reporting gives us only one body and has not established a second shooter. One body means one shooter. Presumably that's Thomas Crooks.

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WHat crazier to me is that people believe all this S...the narratives and "new information!" coming out about all this.

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At the superficial level the information is credible as far as it goes. Vincent Taormina's statements about Thomas Crooks' attitudes 8 years ago are a testimony about him, a recollection we have no reason to presume is completely fictional.

We know from Kimberly Cheatle herself that the stated rationale for not having a detail on the roof of that building was the slope of the roof was a safety hazard. It's a crazy rationale but to say that Kimberly Cheatle is saying that's the rationale is factual reporting.

The problem we have is that no one in the corporate media is taking all of this in and having a "Whisky Tango Foxtrot" moment about it. Well, Dan Bongino on Fox News is having several cows about it, but he's a former Secret Service agent, so he's got some professional pride at stake, but outside of some of the talking heads on Fox corporate media is doing very little to challenge what's being reported.

Alt media figures are questioning what's being reported. Paul Joseph Watson has a video segment out with a reaction to these news bits that is in line with mine. Of course, none of that gets us any closer to an actual understanding of what's going on here.

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Jul 17Liked by Peter Nayland Kust

And Peter? “how in the Nine Circles of Hell” - love it!

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Jul 17Liked by Peter Nayland Kust

Excellent discussion, Peter.

The Authorities involved are going to come out of this looking beyond bad - looking ridiculous! I can already see the comedians having fun with this:

“There’s a sniper in that kiddie wading pool - send in the Secret Service!”

“No - that’s not safe, my agents might drown!”

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