Proven?????? BS! US released bioweapon...Mike Pompeo ex CIA director suspect number one

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Proven. Ambly. Abundantly. Repeatedly.

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Jun 12, 2022Liked by Peter Nayland Kust

Seeing the dates on many articles you wrote (2 years ago!!) makes me realize that although the evidence continues to mount, we really haven’t gotten very much further in exposing the lab leak corruption. The liars will never admit it.

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There has been progress, although not nearly as much as anyone would like.

Perhaps the most important thing to recognize that has begun to be uncovered is the extent to which the bad actors around the world intersect and cooperate in "research" that is highly unethical in many instances and follows dubious scientific and medical theories.

EcoHealth shows up in the Nunn Lugar "threat reduction" narrative at the same time they were helping Fauci funnel money to the Wuhan labs. Bureaucrats within governments that notionally are more or less adversaries time and again find reason and ways to work together or share research materials. It's almost like a geopolitical equivalent of the phenomenon within the IT industry known as "co-opetition", where nominal competitors routinely wind up in bed together.

All of which makes for a dense narrative more complex than the plot of the movie "Chinatown", one that is difficult to adequately convey in a single Substack article.

We know more now than two years ago. We know that the list of bad actors is expansive. Unfortunately, what we don't know is when, how, or if any of the bad actors will be called to account.

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Jun 13, 2022Liked by Peter Nayland Kust

I guess that’s what I meant by “lack of progress”— the fact that those responsible haven’t gotten any closer to being held accountable and seem untouchable. I agree it’s beyond clear by now that the level of corruption runs deeper than an iceberg.

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Sadly, with the levels of corruption on display almost daily in the US government's alphabet agencies, and with Congress providing bluster and soundbites but not much else, holding those who did this accountable will require resorting to the third of Frederick Douglass' three boxes.

One of the more disturbing aspects of what we're seeing is the case being made for rebellion and revolution--these evils are not and should never be sufferable.

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Absolutely! (I had to look up the meaning of your three boxes comment! 🧐) The article I clicked on states that the first two have been severely compromised, and the third now in danger as well.

I don’t know if it’s a case that we don’t learn from mistakes of the past, or if the globalists are using the darkest parts of history as their ‘how to’ book, but lessons from history haven’t managed to stop any of it 😔

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"Purging or Cancelling" evidence IS EVIDENCE.

For most of us, it is the only "evidence" we need.

Thanks to people like you, Peter, and Igor, Sundance, Chris, Steve, Colleen, Jessica, 2SG, Doc Alexander, Katherine, Mark, Paul, Eugyppius, MD, Naked, Lily, Charles, John, Jon, Naomi, Doc James, TF, Sage, Doc Yoho, Ivan, Toby, Tank (where is it, LOL), Matthew, and ......... , we will have more than enough "evidence" for the Nuremberg 2.0 lawyers to argue about!

In the meantime, we will be polishing brass cases.

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Lather, rinse and repeat....2022 edition....

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Jun 12, 2022Liked by Peter Nayland Kust

China was not alone. They had pals. They include the USA, Germany and Canada. All had a hand to play in all this to varying degrees it appears.

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No, China was not alone. Indeed, the primary evolution over the past two years of the evidence has been to expand the list of malefactors.

This is one reason I believe the flash-in-the-pan story about the (not really) "secret" biolabs in Ukraine largely overlooked the multitude of cross currents within the Nunn-Lugar "threat reduction" programs. At some level almost every major player in bioweapons since WW2 appears somewhere in the mix. And many of the same players have ties to the Wuhan labs.

What emerges is a tapestry of corruption that spans the entire globe. Wuhan is just one tip of a very large iceberg.

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It's the Global Intel Agencies all working together.

Didn't even ol' Vlad have some KGB (FSB) agents executed because they were working with the CIA.

No wonder Chairman Xi is so nervous.

He should be, people are polishing brass cases!

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