Not sure how far that credibility goes. Even G W Bush needed a successful tenure as Texas Governor to launch his bid for the White House, and Bush Senior was, if anything, more of an insider than Leon Panetta.
Not sure how far that credibility goes. Even G W Bush needed a successful tenure as Texas Governor to launch his bid for the White House, and Bush Senior was, if anything, more of an insider than Leon Panetta.
Yes, I thought about the Bush example, but my premise is based on the idea that people are weary of politics, and desire a fresh face, someone who appears reasonable. Anyway, it’s just an idea. He is a Senator though, so that counts for something. His wife is a judge. He’s a family guy from a small town and made good. Military.
Not sure how far that credibility goes. Even G W Bush needed a successful tenure as Texas Governor to launch his bid for the White House, and Bush Senior was, if anything, more of an insider than Leon Panetta.
Yes, I thought about the Bush example, but my premise is based on the idea that people are weary of politics, and desire a fresh face, someone who appears reasonable. Anyway, it’s just an idea. He is a Senator though, so that counts for something. His wife is a judge. He’s a family guy from a small town and made good. Military.
Jimmy Panetta is a Congressman, not a Senator.
Ok, still a prominent position.