"Germany is leading the way in Europe’s burgeoning economic crisis due to the simple fact that they have never developed viable alternatives to cheap natural gas from Russia"
Gosh, who could possibly have foreseen this?
Oh wait, someone did. But the Germans laughed at him.
European policy seems suicidal. Maybe murder/suicide is more accurate. Technocratic dirigisme has completely failed, assuming the goal is secure prosperity.
Seems to be fulfilling a globalist (no smoke) pipe dream?
Not really.
This is the end of globalism as an operative force in the world.
"Germany is leading the way in Europe’s burgeoning economic crisis due to the simple fact that they have never developed viable alternatives to cheap natural gas from Russia"
Gosh, who could possibly have foreseen this?
Oh wait, someone did. But the Germans laughed at him.
To call the crisis a self inflicted wound is epic understatement.
PNK, I predict that a very low percentage of the shuttered plants will ever reopen as private industries.
That is the danger here. Extinction is what happens when adaptation fails.
List of scapegoats to exhaust:
-Racist right-wing extremists.
-Mis and disinformation.
De-industrialization has long been the goal of the Greenies. Their dream is coming true.
Their dream is about to become a nightmare.
European policy seems suicidal. Maybe murder/suicide is more accurate. Technocratic dirigisme has completely failed, assuming the goal is secure prosperity.