There will always be mutations but the fact that we have thousands of variants three years out (at least) with absolutely no end in sight is completely abnormal for a natural pandemic, which I understand have always lasted no more than 18 months. We have interfered with it by use of vaccine which means all bets are off on this runaway train.

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"its significant capacity for immune evasion."

We started seeing that with Delta, and it appears to me that all the Omicron variants already ignored any injection-conferred immunity, so I'm not sure what's different here.

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The reality of viruses is that if they propagate to any degree they are by definition evading the immune system.

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Sadly, there’s the elephant stepping on toes: injection-conferred immune Failure. Who needs variants when the fake non-vax saw to imminent death? To me, its moot.

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To me, high infectious levels mean many more variants to come.

I place great importance on it.

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Viruses are always going to virus, and that means there will always be variants.

Which is why the hospitalization metrics are essential. The issue is not that there will be variants -- there will be variants -- but the public health burden is defined not the number or even the novelty of the virus, but by the number of people who can get seriously ill.

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Variant schmariant.

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More or less. SARS-CoV-2 is the first time we've been inundated with fear porn over variants. We see variants of influenza virus every year but no one really stresses over it other than the distinction between influenza A and influenza B.

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I have decided long ago to dismiss any gov information and fearporn and live a life. In fear, the evil psychopaths win.

We did not sign up to be brain dead before dying naturally.

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