May 10, 2022Liked by Peter Nayland Kust

And the most staggering fact of all: why are the Chinese people taking this cr*p? Amazing. They have nothing to lose.

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The only answer I can come up with is they are conditioned to totalitarianism.

But it should be noted that in Shanghai, the Chinese people are increasingly not taking the cr*p.


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This is why we MUST NOT HAVE CENTRALIZED POWER! The only way out for China now is over the dead body of Xi.

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There is indeed a powerful moral case against government within the lunacy of Zero COVID.

The closing verse of Judges sums it up very effectively:

"In those days there was no king in Israel; every man did what was right in his own eyes."

I have for some time been of the opinion that such passages are a none too subtle reminder that God's Law is always superior to man's laws.


Regardless of what one believes, however, the essential moral proposition still holds: government has always proceeded from human society. It is and has always been the effect, never the cause. Consequently, moral principles, moral reasoning, and moral choices are inherently outside the realm of government competence.

Human invention, human science, and human governance are all intrinsically finite in scope and application. When autocrats like Xi Jinping (or our very own would be autocrat in the White House) attempt to impose their will on the natural world, failure is absolutely assured.

The only recourse any of us have to contend with the world around us is to focus individually on doing the right thing.

When people are committed to doing the right thing, government is immediately superfluous. When people are not committed to doing the right thing, government is inadequate.

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May 10, 2022Liked by Peter Nayland Kust

Most of the world seems to be following in China's footsteps to at least some degree (witness Australia and New Zealand's own attempts a Zero COVID insanity).

But I suspect a government reboot of K-Mart would entail a completely different class of insanity. Does the world really need to bring back the blue light specials?

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