Peter yes these facts definitely matter and honestly, the government doesn't know how to calculate numbers- look at what they say the inflation rate is what a joke!

There are a lot of factors Trump can make a lot of promises just like the rest of them do but what can actually be done and there's factors like you stated outside of what he can control. Of course, he can make deals and make it better for companies to want to manufacture here cut their taxes and then the thing with the tariffs and all of that let's just see what happens.

I hope for the best because people are really suffering. I talk to people every day and they can't afford a lot of things they could before and they're having to decide on which bill to pay this month....they weren't that way four years prior

now am I saying it was all Trump? absolutely not, but things were better.

Really appreciate your articles. I actually pass them on to people to read so they can become more educated on what's really going on because most people have no clue 🤔

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Thank you for your kind words, and thank you for sharing my articles—that is the greatest compliment of all!

People I suspect underestimate how much they can influence things. We ourselves shape the economy through the goods and services we both demand and then buy.

There is a certain economic logic to a campaign to “buy American”, or to support local businesses in your community. Where we shop and what we buy is as much an investment in our community/society/nation as it is a gratification of our own wants and needs.

The great mistake that was made in NAFTA was that multinational corporations were incented to export US manufacturing jobs overseas—and the result was quite harmful to the United States as a whole. Our social fabric has suffered, our economy has suffered, and of course people have suffered.

We can turn this around, however, and part of how we do that is the consumer side of Trump’s likely strategies: buy American. Source goods locally rather than from abroad. Encourage businesses to hire people who have been marginalized and pushed out of the labor force. These are small but tactical things everyone can do which will benefit their community and benefit this country.

Change is possible, for everyone.

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You're absolutely right the way we spend our money that speaks volumes and it can change everything !

I buy LOCAL every chance I get and I actually pay cash so they don't have to pay this percentage at the bank charges but did you know that when someone charges us a fee to use a credit card that it's actually illegal and I will tell places that and they'll say we'll just increase our prices. I'm like well at least don't do anything illegal.

My acupuncturist was telling me about it. She had researched it and she said you know she has to pay it if I use a credit card but she can't charge it and I saw everybody else though she said it's illegal. So I give her cash too.

Yes, Peter great articles love reading them- so much information, especially for those who have no clue what's going on or even those that moderately have a clue 🤔

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The hidden fees contained within the debit/credit card system (scam) are too numerous to name.

But it is fascinating what people trade away for something which is “free”.

As Robert Heinlein wrote in “The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress”, TANSTAAFL

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You always have the real scoop, in reliable data that does not lie, along with your smart analysis. Thank you, Peter.

One of the foul things that politicians do is to kick bad consequences of their policies down the road so that the next administration has to take the blame. Amazingly, too few voters see through this tactic, and will fall into the trap of blaming the wrong people. I fear that this is what is going to happen to Trump regarding manufacturing. This is why I was asking you last week about turnaround times for improving manufacturing - the faster Trump can improve manufacturing metrics, the less political damage to his MAGA strategy.

One thing that is probably impossible to predict is the effect on our manufacturing from Europe’s economic troubles, and China’s, and all of the trouble spots on the globe. Will their troubles make it easier for companies to decide to reestablish manufacturing in America? Or will their troubles, on balance, lead to such lower global demand for goods that manufacturing doesn’t grow anywhere? I hope you will fill us in on the trends as data emerges. Thanks in advance, Peter!

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