Degrowth is part of the plan to build the 'fourth industrial revolution' per the WEF. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/09/partnering-with-nature-is-the-only-way-to-achieve-true-sustainability-says-tariq-al-olaimy/

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The economic illiterates at the WEF being somewhat more delusional than those at the Federal Reserve, I am amazed anyone takes their crap seriously.

You want to see what a "post growth" economy looks like? That's easy. Start with Russia in 1992 and Venezuela in 2014.

That's the "future" they're peddling. Forget the technocracy and oligarchy and totalitarian control over everything. A "post growth" economy will have all the charm and elegance and fine dining of "The Road Warrior". The fight for freedom will take a back seat to the fight for your next meal.

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They may be economically illiterate, but they are in every high position of government. I assume you know about the Young Global Leaders?

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I know about them.

As I have said about the Federal Reserve and presumed agendas to implement CBDCs--it's not that I don't think they're dumb enough to try this nonsense, it's that I know they aren't smart enough to make it work.

It doesn't matter who's in charge...these ideas are neither rational nor feasible. There is no real-world scenario where their "sustainable development" ideas can work at all, let alone as planned.

The perverse irony of the WEF and the whole "you will eat ze bugs" mindset is that the ones who will be reduced to eating the bugs are the Young Global Leaders--because they have no clue how to actually obtain food. They don't know how to hunt, fish, garden, farm, or do any actual productive labor. When the global order does collapse--which is a distinct possibility--they will be the ones going hungry first.

The ones who will go hungry last will the the local warlords and dictators who have an intimidated population with which to engage in agriculture and produce some food.

The ones who have a hope of surviving and rebuilding civilization are the ordinary men and women who know how to build things and growth things and who understand that communities take people working together without all the WEF pseudointellectual garbage.

Captain John Smith saved the Jamestown Colony from starvation by telling all the second sons of England's aristocrats they had to work their asses off if they wanted to eat.

When Plymouth Colony was founded in 1620, their economic model was that everything would be produced and held in common. That lasted for two years and just about starved the colony into extinction. By 1623, the common stock model was abandoned and each household took possession of a plot of land to farm and develop and reap the rewards thereof for themselves--after which the colony began to prosper.


The WEF playbook is not even original. It's warmed over utopianism, all of which has been tried and none of which has ever worked.

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Ha! Good point! People who have been surviving will have more tools and skills to keep surviving.

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