Your comment that "Expanding the reservist pool suggests Russia is somewhat stressed in terms of military manpower." Does that mean it applies the same for Ukraine, since Biden has made some of the U.S's reservists combat ready - Biden orders 3,000 reservists to be ready for Europe deployments


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Broadly speaking, yes. The context is a little different, given Russia’s military has been fighting in Ukraine for over a year and the US is likely anticipating military involvement in that war (over and above the provision of lethal aid), but in both cases the anticipation is that greater military manpower levels are required.

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Doesn’t Putin want a higher birth rate in his country? He sure is killing off a lot of his reproductive age soldiers.

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At this point, it no longer matters. Even before the war fertility was below the maintenance rate of ~2.1 births per fertile female, and brain drain was already happening. Rosstats own data bears this out.

Russia's demographic decline was going to end Putin's Great Power ambitions for Russia with or without the war in Ukraine. We only have to look at Japan for a prime example of how demographic decline catalyzes economic and geopolitical decline as well.

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This assessment certainly is exhaustive while also confusing as to the actual force strengths on the ground. So much propaganda and misdirection out there. Who to believe. I read Ritter and listen to Col Macgregor, and they always seem to circle back to asserting that Ukraine is suffering massive casualties and losing this war. Then there’s the US military mouthpieces who insist things are going well for Ukrainian forces as long as USA and NATO keep shoveling armaments and dough there.

Who to believe?

My take is the wicked globalists are pulling strings and watching with glee as western economies collapse, famine is looming and depopulation continues apace. Then there’s AI, “vaccinations” and CBDCs only increasing.

What a world, eh?

Thanks for this detailed report. I’m more confused than ever - another globalist objective lol.

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I think the takeaway here is don't believe any of them.

Don't believe the pro-Russian propagandists. Don't believe the pro-Ukrainian propagandists. Don't believe propagandists at all.

When narratives do not reconcile to what is observed, the narrative must give way. That's true regardless of which narrative it is.

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It ain’t what it is or vice versa.

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It's neither this nor that, nor is it anything else.

Whoever said truth was stranger than fiction never met a corporate media "journalist".

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The politicians, and their media puppets who are running the west, seem incapable of telling the truth or making coherent statements, so I put no stock in their assessments. I remember in March of 22 they were telling everyone Russia was already out of missiles yet it turns out it's the west that's running out of missiles.

In the US we were told one reason the Soviet Union collapsed was due to Reagan spending so much on military, it caused the Soviet economy to tank as they tried to keep up. Now here we are in 2023 and I'm starting to wonder if that isn't happening in reverse, the US/west economies are the ones struggling.

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There are two wars of attrition talking place.

There is the stalemate taking place along the front lines.

There is economic warfare between Russia and the EU.

Until one side or the other capitulates we do not know who is "winning". Which was true with the Soviets in the 1980s.

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