Canada's Faucists Pick And Choose Who They Want To Inoculate
How To Decide Who Is And Is Not Among The "Unvaccinated" Untermenschen?
Reality frequently makes for black comedy. This has been particularly true of late in the Fascist (and Faucist) dystopia known as Canada.
Consider these two headlines, both of which appeared Tuesday in the Canadian media.
From Global News:
From CTV News:
On the one hand Canadians who have not received all the latest boosters for the mRNA inoculations are, going forward, no longer “fully vaccinated” (actually, they aren’t vaccinated at all since the mRNA inoculations are not vaccines). On the other hand, federal employees and select other workers no longer are required to be inoculated.
Outside of government, Canadians will be pressured to get inoculated and boosted. Inside government, Canadians are functionally exempt from such pressure.
Changing The Propaganda To Mount A Pressure Campaign
Practically speaking, what the shifting goalposts definition means is that government “information” (i.e., propaganda) on COVID-19 will be telling everyone that they are not protected against COVID-19 if they haven’t had all the approved boosters.
“Although two doses still protects significantly well against severe disease and death, two doses are not enough now to protect against infection and transmission. That is why we are transitioning now to an ‘up-to-date’ vaccination definition of what it means to be adequately protected against COVID-19,” Health Minister Jean-Yves Duclos said Tuesday during a press conference in Ottawa.
Perhaps Justin Trudeau wants to emulate Joe Biden’s execrable “winter of death” rhetoric? Given the toxic statements he made about the Freedom Convoy earlier this year, one has to wonder.
At a minimum, this telegraphs the Trudeau regime’s intention to pressure Canadians to get all boosters.
Moreover, Canada’s policy of inoculation advocacy fails to address the reality of declining cases and almost no deaths from COVID. Take the situation in Canada’s largest city, Toronto. As the city’s own dashboard illustrates, the most recent COVID “wave” has already passed, and cases have been trending down to a mere fraction of prior peaks.
Even with the current definition of “fully vaccinated”, the city of Toronto is not experiencing much transmission or infection of COVID.
Nor does the hospitalization data show much indication of current or pending health crisis.
The data seems rather at odds with the Health Minister’s assertion about the necessity of boosters.
Federal Workers Are Not Included—For Now
The Health Minister’s stance is also at odds with Treasury Board President Mona Fortier’s announcement ending inoculation mandates for federal employees and transportation workers.
The federal government is lifting the COVID-19 vaccine requirements for federal public servants and transportation workers, on the same day it released details about dropping the mandate for domestic and outgoing travel.
Treasury Board President Mona Fortier announced the change would come into effect on June 20.
Ironically, this policy shift is taking place after almost all Canadian federal employees have been “fully vaccinated”.
According to a government website, 98.5 per cent of the federal public service is fully vaccinated, 0.3 per cent is partially vaccinated, another 0.3 per cent reports being unvaccinated and 0.9 per cent have made accommodation requests.
Of course, based on the policy shift proposed by the Health Minister, that 98.5% of federal public service will soon not be fully inoculated, even though they will no longer be required to be inoculated.
Perversely, even the lifting of the inoculation mandate became an exercise in authoritarian arbitrariness, as the Trudeau regime somehow failed to include Canada’s public sector labor unions in discussions over lifting the mandate for government employees.
The Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) -- one of Canada's largest national labour unions -- said while it welcome the news, they group is taking issue with the fact that they weren’t consulted prior.
“Unfortunately, the federal government did not consult with PSAC before making its decision to lift its vaccination policy. Unions should always be consulted on policies that have a major impact on the terms and conditions of employment of our members to protect their health and safety and their rights in the workplace,” a statement reads.
The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC) also stated the changes hadn’t been communicated prior to Tuesday’s announcement.
“Unfortunately, this information was shared with Jennifer Carr, President of The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC) through the media before the employer informed us of the change. We, together with other unions, have been asking for an update for weeks. We have informed the Treasury Board of our disappointment and hope that collaboration will be a priority moving forward,” reads the union’s statement.
Make no mistake, the lifting of the mandate is arbitrary, and it will be re-imposed whenever it amuses Canada’s Prime-Minister-In-Hiding.
Intergovernmental Affairs Minster Dominic LeBlanc and Health Minister Jean-Yves Duclos, meanwhile, underscored that the government won’t be reluctant to re-impose the mandates should it be necessary from a public health standpoint.
Moreover, lifting the mandate for one group has no bearing on mandates for other groups. Cruise ship workers, for example, are still required to be “fully vaccinated” (whatever that means).
The government also expects vaccine requirements put in place by separate agencies, including Crown corporations, will be suspended. Workers on cruise ships will still be required to be fully vaccinated. The government continues to warn that COVID-19 can spread easily between people in close quarters, such as on cruise ships.
Changing Who Is And Is Not Untermenschen In Fascist Canada
What both stories establish is that the Canadian government will decide on its own whimsy who is and is not Untermencshen within Trudeau’s police state. Readers will remember that Trudeau has already decreed that anyone who opposes him is not Canadian and not deserving of Canadian rights and liberties.
With these headlines, Trudeau’s regime makes it clear that it will dole out perks and privileges in lieu of old-fashioned rights and freedoms as promised by Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Constitutional governance and civil liberty are strictly passé in Trudeau’s police state.
That Trudeau or his ministers may (and will) change their mind about what privileges they gift and to whom is unimportant. All that matters to Trudeau’s regime is that Canadians obey today’s diktat. And tomorrow’s, even if it contradicts today’s.
Those who obey are accounted good Canadians. Those who reject the inoculations and defy government diktat are, recalling Trudeau’s own words about the Freedom Convoy, simply not Canadian at all.
Today, at least, those who work on behalf of the Trudeau regime are the ubermenschen and receive the beneficence of not having their bodies further assaulted by the provably toxic and demonstrably ineffective inoculations. Everyone else gets no such reward. Those who reject further inoculation are simply untermenschen—and Trudeau has already declared his thoughts about them.
When government makes arbitrary and capricious choices about who must be inoculated and boosted, when government changes what it means to be “fully” inoculated on a whim, government is declaring it has no respect for fundamental freedoms or basic civil liberties. Such government is tyranny by definition.
The good news is Justin is in trouble. A large majority of the caucus is fed up. It's the immature, incoherent and unprofessional cabinet the problem. Mendicino, Freeland, Omar and of course Duclos are all clowns supreme. Duclos literally doesn't know what he's talking about. They're all lost their damn minds and the plot. And the country is sensing it.
Justin's vindictive and arbitrary nonsense is something this country has never seen and he has to go.
How perverse and outrageous is it in Canada?
"When government makes arbitrary and capricious choices about who must be inoculated and boosted, when government changes what it means to be “fully” inoculated on a whim, government is declaring it has no respect for fundamental freedoms or basic civil liberties. Such government is tyranny by definition.".......100% I will be sharing your substack more than I already do..... a lot of my jabbed friends where outraged at the announcement of the need for three.....which is great...but outrage needs to translate to not, we'll see......thank you for your wisdom and time to look at this mess up here....