Maybe Harris supporters finally figured out that a vote for Harris is a vote for child abuse? Gender affirming “care” for minors who cannot legally consent to anything - let alone become a patient for life- is child abuse. Allowing human trafficking of minors through uncontrolled borders is child abuse. (At least 300,000 child immigrants have been “lost” ). Think not? Then, you need to think a little harder because at least half of the country already knows this.

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I certainly hope you are right that voters are realizing what Kamala Harris has actually done while in office.

Encouraging female genital mutilation as well as male genital mutiliation under the rubric of "gender affirming care" is bad enough, but that is, as you say, compounded by the regime's shameful complicity in the trafficking of 325,000 (and counting) childrem from the southern border, something i have brought up more than once not only here on Substack but across social media.


Of the millions who have come across the border illegally, very likely the majority of them are trafficking victims of one kind or another.

I surely hope people are realizing this about the (Biden-)Harris Regime.

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IDK. Unfortunately, I’m afraid too many people have cognitive dissonance to see what is really happening - there are a lot of people voting for Harris.

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Exhibit 52,367 to show that this election is rigged and the outcome is preordained.

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Well reasoned commentary. Thank you

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Kamala Harris is sabotaging the Kamala Harris campaign, as with her cringe-worthy moment in Ann Arbor, MI where she asked the crowd to chant their names. Huh?


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What’s beyond cringe? (Well, besides Kamala Harris that is)

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Kamala is running like someone who already knows how the ballots are going to get counted.

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Possibly, but I don't see that.

Yes, she's campaigning as if she's just naturally entitled to the Presidency, but that's always been her demeanor. When Tulsi Gabbard curb-stomped her in the 2020 primary debate her public response was to say that she was a "top tier" candidate and Tulsi was just a wannabe looking for attention (it didn't save her campaign).

What I don't see in her campaign is anything that resembles confidence. Just the tone of her voice and the tension in her body when she speaks to me radiate a fundamental lack of confidence. Her deer in the headlights look when someone asks her a question is a look that to me just reeks of both lack of knowledge and lack of confidence.

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In Houston it is looking like democrat turnout is down.

Since Kamala is the bait and switch candidate, her campaign strategy is to stick eith what got them this far.

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Kamala needs no help in sabotaging her campaign. She’s got this.

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Dude she was the most unpopular VP in history. How long do you think the PsyOp could last?

They got to know her, despite her best efforts.

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She has to stop using Diddy's party guests…

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She'd lose all her Hollyweird endorsements if she did that.

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She’s sabotaging it herself. According to her own statements her internal polling is her instinct.

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She has said that, which is an amazing statement. Without data it is impossible to make informed rational decisions.

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Without data it’s just opinions.

There seems to be an abundance of opinions in politics and policy of late.

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One answer: Kamala Harris! She cannot articulate her stance on any issue. Literal word salads come out of her mouth, as if she were a school kid who didn’t read the assignment and has to write a 1,000 word essay on it! (Disclaimer: Former teacher here)

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She was asked by a reporter during a recent campaign stop (over the weekend?) if she was seeing the same things in her campaign's internal polling that were being reported in the public polls. Her reply to the reporter was to the effect that she was trusting her instincts and not internal polling.

That sort of attitude would be very much in keeping with the self-sabotage starting at the top.

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“bait and switch”

its been the entire theme of that party since the 2016 iowa caucus.

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The only reason they do this is to draw people to her rallies to make it look like she has more support than Trump. People have caught on to this unless they are totally ignorant!

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Just a preview of another shit show that could be her presidency. Pray it doesn’t happen.

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Harris is taking more of a beating from Biden and Obama.

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I'm guessing the current AIPAC/Deep State plan is to let the Trump win come off and then replace him as soon as expedient with their more relible Mini-me, JDV.

Who will defer to his mentor Peter 'the CIA is a front for Palantir' Thiel.

Who, of course defers to...


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🇺🇸. I’m in WI- I’ll add my vote for


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