I've never understood why someone who isn't sick would get tested. OK, there was *some* mandatory testing of healthy people in certain occupations, but it wasn't all that prevalent.
Then again, I'm sure there are plenty of people who were sick and never got tested, or more recently, people who were sick but just did a lateral flow tes…
I've never understood why someone who isn't sick would get tested. OK, there was *some* mandatory testing of healthy people in certain occupations, but it wasn't all that prevalent.
Then again, I'm sure there are plenty of people who were sick and never got tested, or more recently, people who were sick but just did a lateral flow test and are thus reasonably confident they had it, but never reported it to any "authority". I know a few people in the latter camp. Bottom line: I don't think any country has a good handle on what portion of their population has actually been infected.
As for why people chose to get tested, the reasons may vary: some employers may have mandated it (even without government mandates), and others simply succumbed to the fear porn from the corporate media.
What we do have are numbers of tests administered, and the positivity rates (although without the Ct values for PCR tests).
As it turns out, Austria not only has the highest number of COVID cases relative to population size....
Thus one reason Austria reports so many cases is they were hell-bent on looking for the virus.
At this level of testing, while it is possible some cases might have been overlooked, false positives seems a more likely outcome. That would make Austria's 64% infected figure an overstatement--which makes China's 80% even more fantastical.
I've never understood why someone who isn't sick would get tested. OK, there was *some* mandatory testing of healthy people in certain occupations, but it wasn't all that prevalent.
Then again, I'm sure there are plenty of people who were sick and never got tested, or more recently, people who were sick but just did a lateral flow test and are thus reasonably confident they had it, but never reported it to any "authority". I know a few people in the latter camp. Bottom line: I don't think any country has a good handle on what portion of their population has actually been infected.
As for why people chose to get tested, the reasons may vary: some employers may have mandated it (even without government mandates), and others simply succumbed to the fear porn from the corporate media.
What we do have are numbers of tests administered, and the positivity rates (although without the Ct values for PCR tests).
As it turns out, Austria not only has the highest number of COVID cases relative to population size....
...by a couple orders of magnitude it also has the highest test rate (tests per 1,000 people)
As a result of this emphasis within Austria on testing, Austria also has the highest number of tests per diagnosed case of COVID.
Which, ironically, gives Austria a relatively low proportion of daily tests that are positive.
Thus one reason Austria reports so many cases is they were hell-bent on looking for the virus.
At this level of testing, while it is possible some cases might have been overlooked, false positives seems a more likely outcome. That would make Austria's 64% infected figure an overstatement--which makes China's 80% even more fantastical.