So, will this be, as Celente says, when all else fails, they take you to war? As in China doing this, not just here? What will that look like when national existence is at stake with nukes available? Will deflation export to rest of world? And, while you cannot give financial advice, what, say, would YOU be doing in this environment (providing all the usual legal caveats for the whiny, entitled, litigious types to protect yourself!) Perhaps, as either Casey or Rickards, said, those who lose the least (unless you are one of the elite connected types) will win? My take is **real stuff** not paper promises, including gold, rental properties in red states, farmland. But you might provide your readers a good service - again, with all the legal caveats for the entitled whiners - what to do, perhaps guised as what you yourself are doing.
True. But the fasco-Marxist Deep State wants war; great way to get rid of all their obligations, gazillion dollars worth of worthless derivates, and at the same time get rid of the lebens unworten lebens (sp?), aka the Nazi "life unworthy of life," or as the vile, evil, disgusting verminesque creator of Obamacare, Zeke Emanuel put in Why I Hope to Die at 75 (please do, Zeke. In fact, consider going early!) Read this piece of vile Malthusian, misanthropic evil yourself in Atlantic
So, will this be, as Celente says, when all else fails, they take you to war? As in China doing this, not just here? What will that look like when national existence is at stake with nukes available? Will deflation export to rest of world? And, while you cannot give financial advice, what, say, would YOU be doing in this environment (providing all the usual legal caveats for the whiny, entitled, litigious types to protect yourself!) Perhaps, as either Casey or Rickards, said, those who lose the least (unless you are one of the elite connected types) will win? My take is **real stuff** not paper promises, including gold, rental properties in red states, farmland. But you might provide your readers a good service - again, with all the legal caveats for the entitled whiners - what to do, perhaps guised as what you yourself are doing.
China has painted themselves into a corner now.
It looks like China needs a good war. Taiwan should get ready.
And the USA should NOT take the bait. The LAST thing the world needs is a hot war between the USA and China (or Russia, or both).
True. But the fasco-Marxist Deep State wants war; great way to get rid of all their obligations, gazillion dollars worth of worthless derivates, and at the same time get rid of the lebens unworten lebens (sp?), aka the Nazi "life unworthy of life," or as the vile, evil, disgusting verminesque creator of Obamacare, Zeke Emanuel put in Why I Hope to Die at 75 (please do, Zeke. In fact, consider going early!) Read this piece of vile Malthusian, misanthropic evil yourself in Atlantic