7800 flights were delayed yesterday. 586 were cancelled.
Already today nearly 500 flights are delayed, and over 50 have been cancelled.
And the weekend is just getting started.
For those who can't resist rubbernecking, the FlightAware Miserymap keeps a running tally of the chaos.
The airlines, the pilots, and the FAA are all blaming each other. Naturally. Meanwhile, planes are not getting off the ground as scheduled.
last Friday, a co-worker was in the staff room complaining that her flight that was sched to leave at 3pm was cancelled at noon...she says to a few of us...."what? why is this happening. what is going on?" and I said, "Do you really want to know or do you just want an answer, like the one the airlines is going to give you?" She says, "Well, they said it's technical difficulties." SO, I say, "Yup, kind of....the technical difficulties are because some pilots aren't cleared to fly...so technically it could potentially lead to a technical difficulty, right?" She says, "What do you mean?" ... I educated her and said that pilots need to have a check up/screen before they can fly and a lot of them are not passing the test...."She says. "Why...how come?" ...and I again said...do you really want to know.....she says yes and I say, "COVID shots have severe adverse effects.....around 1300 side effects and people are disabled and even dying."......she did not have anything to say......plus, a few other sheep heard the conversation so I took that opportunity to tell them as I knew I had a captive audience, at that time....this is a good substack on this, too.... https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/any-airline-which-isnt-screening
I can't believe anyone would fly in a corporate owned plane these days with all the sudden strokes etc that've happened to pilots