Songs decrying mask-wearing and the mindset behind it.

A duet between a mask-wearing zealot and a medical freedom fighter. Listen to IT’S JUST A MASK. Subscribe to Turfseer’s Newsletter. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/its-just-a-mask

Watch O HOLY ROMAN, a song about a child who asserts his independence from other children who wear the mask https://turfseer.substack.com/p/o-holy-roman

Watch POD PEOPLE BARBECUE. Origin of mask-wearing zombies revealed in song!


The people graduate “with honors” from this institution of “higher learning.” Watch SHEEPLE UNIVERSITY. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/sheeple-university

BONUS: Free Download. THE ALTERNATIVE COVID-19 NARRATIVE HANDBOOK. A Collection of useful links. Get it here: https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-alternative-covid-narrative-handbook

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If I remember correctly, covering one's face was required in the Torah if one was afflicted by a series of infections given the overall term of leprosy...not specifically what has been termed Hansen's Disease. Those who were designated lepers were exiled from the general public and compelled to live away from the community. As for the folly of wearing facial coverings, I've spoken previously about their lack of effectiveness.

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It's been a while since I've read Leviticus in detail, but certainly there what we would today term isolation and social distancing guidelines.

But the attire (including any possible facial coverings) mandated for "lepers" in Leviticus was primarily to serve as a warning to the rest of the Israelite community to stay away, and thus mitigate the threat of contagion by isolation and social distancing.

Still, what is remarkable about the guidelines for identifying "leprosy" (which, as you noted, was back then any one of a number of conditions producing sores and rashes on the skin) was that there were specific criteria stated for the priest to use, including monitoring over a week's period to see if the condition resolved itself. While crude and perhaps of questionable accuracy, they are nevertheless a depiction of diagnostic criteria several centuries before either Hippocrates or Galen.

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Much as the attire was used to serve as a warning (signal) to stay away, the face mask was/is used as a signal. The media hysterics were not enough to keep the public in a panic state. Everyone needed to mask as a signal that everyone else was taking this thing seriously, and that it was not just on the nightly news, it was everywhere at any time. A constant reminder that what they were saying was true, and that everyone believed it. It is also used as a gauge of obedience by the decision makers.

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The key distinction, of course, is that the ones isolated under Mosaic Law were the demonstrably infected (and if the infection should resolve himself the previously infected could be present himself to the priests, be acknowledged as free from infection, and rejoin the community). Under the mask mandates, the ones being isolated are literally everybody.

Would we have had the same controversy over face masks if the requirement had been to mask while symptomatic? Even though the extant research suggests that such would have not made a difference in COVID spread, would the narrower tailoring of the rule made it more palatable to the broader public?

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Good question. I think the “asymptomatic spread” was a key factor in achieving the desired outcome, which was to prop the gov agencies up as the source for truth and shift more control out of the hands of citizens and into the hands of unelected bureaucrats.

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Good article once again, Peter. What always amazed me was the people who were driving in their own car by themselves wearing a mask, Still see some of that!!!!!

Makes you want to ask them what they are thinking. Guess that stems from my BA in Psych from back in the 70s days.

Linking as usual @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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The Terminal Mask Wearers

Now Look Like They Have Been

Cut Off From Life Support.


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I have been waging the battle for three years. It is a religious thing, right up there with yarmulkes, rabbit's feet, and whatever other icon one assumes has extra-corporeal significance. In general, one study or 100, the maskers and the rest of the left wing that supports them just do not care. The government said to do it so they will. I have wasted more time on masking than any other single thing. Some people just prefer being lied to.

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Whenever I see someone wearing a mask, I shake my head and roll my eyes. They’re all just sheep who worship at the altar of Lord Fauci and the Holy Government.

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I am impressed daily by your resourcefulness in finding the best hard facts and data, Mr. Kust. This matter of people still cringing in fear behind their face diapers is frustrating; they are like nine-year-old boys afraid of catching girls’ ‘cooties’, and there’s no reasoning with them. Sheeple, indeed.

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Yes, sheeple.

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